The best song about pirates and reincarnation HANDS DOWN!

“Pirate” by The Moon.

Got a better one? No, of course you don’t!

Can you think of any other songs that may very well be the one and only to deal with a particular subject?

Muskrat Love?

Roger Miller-Reincarnation

Captain Hook by John Cale?

(OK, I can’t swear it’s specifically about reincarnation, bull hell. it’s Cale, who knows?)


ETA - TLDL - the lyric starts at ~ 5.10.

“Liar, Liar” - The Castaways

“Liar, liar, pants on fire
Your nose is longer than a telephone wire”

Honorable mention to Highwayman.

Perhaps something off Ryan Gosling’s Dead Man’s Bones.

Maybe not My Body’s a Zombie for You

Paper Ships mentions pirates.

Pirates never loved
The way that I do
You never said enough
To keep me next to you

Now I hold my poems
For ladies unknown
Until my hands go weak
I’ll be a ghost ship on the blue

or Werewolf Heart

My skull is full of sunken ships,
My heart’s a prisoner to my ribs,
We’re flesh & bone when we’re all alone,
But together, forever, we’ll live

Oh, good one! “Pirate” is certainly much funnier!

ELP’s Pirates

This is where you were going with the thread, right? Not “pirates” specifically?

I know a really good song about the ghost of a boy who sells marigolds out of a wheelbarrow. I don’t know any bad songs about that topic.

Good one! Now that I think about it, The Decemberists are a treasure trove of songs with oddball subjects. “The Chimbley Sweep” is about a orphaned chimney sweep being seduced by his young recently-widowed client. I doubt there are many songs that have mined that gold!

They really, really are.

Anybody get reincarnated in that tale?

Ah, narrow focus. I misunderstood and apologize.

But it is my favorite song about Pirates at least.

Good one!

(If there is even one other song about sex amongst muskrats it probably much better.)

George Harrison!

OK, it’s a little light on reincarnation.

Outstanding! And it had an Eric Idle cameo so that has to be worth something.

Highwayman, by Johnny Cash, is about reincarnation, and one of the middle verses is a sailor, not clear if piracy is involved.