The Biden Administration: a puppy-hug in the making

Good thing it was already dead

Joltin Joe Biden.

Over 200 million shots.

Yeah, but don’t you think that deliberately doing his job just to make President Trump look bad by comparison is a little suspicious? I mean, what’s his long game?

Biden is putting American statue makers out of work!

One fewer puppy to hug:

Aw. Champ.

Cue Qanon

“Where was Hillary Clinton at the time of his death and what did he know that made him a target!”

I’m legit expecting a “Biden had his dog killed because of bad press from it biting people in the White House,” spin.

And as usual, they would blame the wrong dog.

I feel for Joe. He doesn’t really have time to grieve, and I expect many wouldn’t understand him needing it. “It’s just a dog!” many would say.

He’s had so much loss in his life, and as things go, this is one of the smaller, and generally more expected losses, but it still tears at you.

Agreed, 100 percent. Joe’s love and loss bleeds through every word of the official statement.

You can leave condolences here. <3 :dog:

The latest scandal? Joe Biden whispered!

Also, he growls.

That sounds like he’s making a coy joke about Biden’s urinary meatus, which I don’t think is the tone he was going for.

This fucking kook has almost 100K followers on you tube.

I was going to say the same. I kind of wish I had an excuse to use that description on myself, but the spouse would laugh at me and everyone else would edge away.

ETA: I’m now guessing the good Rev Bullock is an advocate of praying away the gay. Paging Dr. Freud…

Meh. Probably just means Biden is a reincarnated viking.

Well much, much worse news for Major: he has been evicted!!!

Hug this:

Has this nation been without a First Cat since the Clintons and Socks? No wonder my entire adulthood has been so bleak.