The Biden Administration - the first 1,500 days [NOT an Afghanistan discussion]

Yeah, just wait till August, when the ShitGibbon will be restored to power. So some guy says.

Well I have something to look forward post Covid when I get back into the office. No longer will I have to pass by Donald’s Backpfeifengesicht everyday as I go to work.

pfffft Trump’s “methane rule”.

Biden is going to address both houses of Congress tomorrow (a reduced crowd, for sure). Any bets on whether even one Republican applauds a single word that Biden says? Or will it be a total shutout from the Pub side? I say it will.

Any Pub who claps even once or looks like they wanted to or fantasized about clapping will get his knuckles soundly rapped by Unca Mitch. And they will have to write “I love kissing Donald’s ass better than anything” 100 times on the black whiteboard.

Because this isn’t going to be a full house, like usual, I imagine that the primary Repubs who will be there will be the leadership. They’ll probably clap a few times just out of habit, but who knows. The true GQP nutjobs probably won’t be in attendance; just as well, as some of them are likely looking to pull a Joe Wilson “You Lie” stunt.

Louder than that. Phbphbphbphbttt!

From the Delaware News-Journal:

Delaware man does better than Florida man.


What I wouldn’t give, just once, for the President to say to the audience “Please, hold your applause until the end.” You could probably do this thing in half the time.

That’d be self-defeating. This is a political event. Hearing approval of what a politician is proposing or saying is a key part of it. Just look at Trump.

I don’t grudge Joe his brief moment in the sun. He’s worked his ass off for the past 100 days and deserves a few meager rounds of applause. I hope he really enjoys them.

His address to the joint session of Congress was pretty good. Aside from a statistical gaffe early on about the child tax credit under/over 6, it was otherwise quite comprehensive. Surprised to see some (R.) stand and applause occasionally, like over the climate, or Jordan over police welfare. Dece!

Damn good to hear an actual presidential president speak!

I’m stunned! I guess Mitch will have them in the woodshed tomorrow.

I think you give McConnell too much credit for how much influence he wields (or even tries to wield) over his members. There have been few strictly partisan votes in the Senate so far – Harris has only had to break four ties so far, which is just one more than Pence had to break at this point in the Trump Administration.

Besides, McConnell and Republicans aren’t looking to nakedly, publicly oppose the President on everything he does. The goal is to undermine him where it matters but not be so obvious about their opposition that voters blame them for his failures. So they’ll applaud the typical pabulum in a Presidential speech about coming together and healing the nation’s wounds, and they’ll make “counter offers” on things like infrastructure that make it look like they’re seriously engaging in good-faith negotiations. All while doing their damnedest to cut him off at the knees.

Delaware Man, Delaware Man
Delaware Man hates Florida Man
They have a vote, Delaware wins
Delaware Man

golf clap

Good news on the economy, too: