The Big Bang Theory, Season 8, Episode 19 (April 2, 2015) -- "The Skywalker Incursion"

They really should have asked that as they were being escorted out.

“Do we still get the shirts and hats?”

At least another restraining order for Sheldon’s collection?

Bernadette was being pretty underhanded in her dealings to get rid of Howard’s TARDIS, promising to give it to anyone who sided with her against Howard.

I think she needs a good spanking.

Now that’s an episode worth watching!

  1. That’s more Amy’s thing.
    B. I doubt Howard has the upper body strength to dole out a good spanking.
    iii. It would, however, be a more productive use of those ping-pong paddles.

We already know Bernie sometimes dresses up as a Catholic schoolgirl; aren’t spankings pretty much a given in that scenario?

Howard married a woman exactly like his mother in personality, which is kind of obvious at this point. She likes how she can push him around and he still worships her. I really don’t see the problem with leaving the Tardis in a corner of the garage, but again, she had to do her domination thing. Weak episode.

I thought Howard was planning to put it somewhere in the house. Still, yeah, they’re going from an apartment to an entire house - they should be able to dedicate one room for Howard’s geekiness - the Tardis, light sabers, comic collection and associated figurines, etc.

OMG! He’s pregnant! That’s going to be the switcheroo for the last episode cliffhanger!

That surprises me. Don’t hundreds of people work at the ranch every day? A hundred? How long are the lines at that bucolic, one-lane entrance?

I thought it was a better than average episode and one of the best this season. I enjoyed the tag.

Two lanes. It has a divider.

They could’ve closed with a shot of him twitching on the ground, like the time he triggered his own apartment security system.

Thank you for the correction. And the photo. And the answer to my question.

That method of thinking as kept The Simpsons (and Family Guy and plenty of other sitcoms) on the air for 26 years and most people still like that show. Even if they whine about how it hasn’t been as good for the last X years they still loved the first 26-X years.

Either way, I still like BBT and have no intention of not watching it any time soon. Occasionally an episode is a flop but overall, I like it, a lot more than most people (on this board) it seems, but then I don’t sit here and nitpick it to death. In fact, this is one of those shows that I typically stay out of the thread’s for because it gets annoying hearing people talking about how much they don’t like it anymore. Like The Office, instead of watching a show and then whining about not liking it, just don’t watch it.
ETA FCM, this isn’t directed at you, just at the Haters in general.

I hear you, brother. I don’t know whether it’s a universal thing for all TV shows on the Dope, because there doesn’t seem to be a lot of crossover between me and the Dope at large for favored TV shows, but I do lurk in the BBT and AoS post-episode discussion threads. Between them, and threads like “The mundane unrealistic details that take you out of the batshit fantastically unrealistic setting,” the Dope has me halfway convinced that I’m watching TV and movies wrong.

Watching the latest episodes, I get the feeling they’ve replaced the live studio audience with a standard 1960s laugh track.

I’m not a hater, just a very disappointed fan. And I do continue to watch, always hoping for the BBT that I loved to slip back in. Ever the optimist!! :smiley:

I don’t hate it yet, but I do find that it’s getting less funny OVERALL and that so much seems to be phoned in now. I still watch because there are many funny parts and everyone is still likeable (or watchably unlikeable as they always were), but I definitely see its decline and I don’t think there’s a lot left to say.

If it stays on the air for much longer (and I think it’s going to be), it’ll be running on fumes by the end and I’ll probably be hate-watching.

That was a fair assessment. Even though I disagree with the continuity nitpickers, I am with you on your analysis of the downturn.