The Big Bang Theory, Season 8, Episode 19 (April 2, 2015) -- "The Skywalker Incursion"

They’ve already milked the old gags for as much as they were worth, and the cast isn’t getting any younger. Instead of the characters being in their late 20s, they’re getting closer to middle age. Do nerds really get funnier as they approach 40? Are they even believable as nerds any more?

I think they’re looking at the same fate most hippies suffered after they hit 30.

Don’t know about funny, but my whole crowd of RL friends consists of nerds I went to college with (including two PhDs), and we’re all still nerdy at around 50. Some are married, some have kids, one’s engaged, and we all still play games, watch nerdy TV shows, and collect (some to a larger extent than others) geeky stuff.

I totally think Bernadette should have let Howard keep the TARDIS. One thing I really dislike about where BBT is going is that the women who should be nerdy (Bernadette and Amy, and even Penny to a point) are not only not nerdy, but anti-nerdy. It’s frustrating. I miss Leslie Winkel.

Yeah, I do too. What happened to her?

Problem with Leslie Winkel is that they were bringing her in to prey (so to say) on the unattached male stars of the show. But they are all attached now. Except for Stuart, but he’s not a scientist or an engineer and Leslie has some standards.

I think I remember hearing that she got written out because the writers couldn’t figure out what to do with her. Which is sort of depressing–and actual geek girl who likes geek things and they can’t figure out what to do with her.

My friend is married to a 65 year old nerd who still plays D&D weekly. In costume.

She just had a baby and been hanging out with Julie Chen and Sharon Osborne.

I know plenty of late 40s and 50 years old people that still game. A surprising number of us are married with kids and I think the D&D has just replaced the old weekly bridge or poker game. I know far more 30-40 year olds that play lots of video games still.

I thought they might have figured they already had enough “Roseanne Barr Show” alumni in the cast.

They should bring John Goodman as a guest for just ONE episode.

Maybe the final episode; he could be Howard’s stray father.

ETA: since I work nights, I always go with time-shifted viewing. When I watched this one yesterday afternoon (on my DirecTv dvr, fwiw), I noticed that there was about a half-second timing gap between the dialogue and the mouth movements. It was very distracting. Did anyone else experience this?

TBBT is infamous for replacing real audience laughter with standard machine yuks.

One time, Mrs. FtG was walking by and noticed they ran the same laugh burst 3 times in a row. I rewound and verified it was true. If Mrs. FtG can notice it, it’s really, really bad.

Anyway, another episode with disconnected characters and stories. This is getting sad.

I think it was partly due to the writers not knowing what to do with her and mostly Sara Gilbert getting her own talk show.

In that case, how did Howard turn out so short and tiny? I mean, Goodman and Mrs. Wolowitz are both HUGE!

And Roseanne would be great as Howard’s maternal grandmother.