The Big Bang Theory, Season 9, Episode 11 (December 17, 2015) -- "The Opening Night Excitation"

Oh, and I LOVED the credit roll at the beginning. Perfect timing, Mr. Lorre.

As much as I love Bob Newhart, there was a bit too much of him here. One appearance would have been plenty. The Shamy sex was handled just right. Loved Amy’s look of bliss and satisfaction afterward.

To be pedantic, I heard it here first.

What I can say about the episode is that I enjoyed that more than I thought I would.

Well…that was certainly more pleasant than I expected.

Good to see that Sheldon apparently rocked Amy’s world.

I’m sure that he was calculating the most efficacious coefficient of friction the entire time. And avoiding other cruder measures.

I always suspected that Sheldon would not perform at peak capability, simply because he’d rely on theory alone, for fear of being taken for an experimentalist.

Leonard has rubbed off on him.

There’s that darn double entendre again.

Sheldon praying for tickets was the best.

Sheldon: I know I spent my whole life denying your existence…
Howard: I got the tickets!
Sheldon: …and I will continue to!

For those who might be interested, Mayim Bialik has written several blog posts about this episode here. I love how protective she is of the Amy character.

I love how she loves Amy. I think about how lucky she was to find this role that, with a few exceptions, lets her practice her rather strict religion with general comfort.

Whoever thought of tying Sheldon & Amy’s coitus with the new Star Wars movie is an absolute genius!

I loved the crowd in the theater booing Wil Wheaten.

And the fact that Sheldon apparently spent the entire night with Amy. He was visited by Bob Newhart the following night, after seeing the Star Wars movie with Amy.

Excellent episode. Loved the 2 guest stars, they made it special.

Just a thought— could there be any more fitting actors to play over 25 nerd virgins feeling each other awkwardly out than an observant orthodox Jew and a gay man?

I’ll take “Huh?” for a thousand, Alex.

Who could be more awkward in a hetero sex scene than an orthodox Jewish girl and a gay man?

I think another reason why the episode worked so well is because no one was mean to each other. I’ll admit that the snipey jokes make me laugh but this episode shows that the gang can refrain from that and still be funny.

Eww, Amy has a blog where she posts every day about stuff going on the show?

Pedestrian, is the word that comes to mind.

Just want to point out that Amy does not have a blog where she posts every day about stuff on the show. Mayim’s blog is interesting, however.