The Big Bang Theory, Season 9, Episode 19 (March 31, 2016) -- "The Solder Excursion Diversion"

Yes, that (Sheldon and Amy) was my favorite part of the episode. Plus, I think Mayim Bialik (Amy) was better-looking in this episode than she’s ever been during the series. Anyone else agree?

Yes, she’s starting to curl her hair and wear a bit more makeup. Will she ever wear more attractive clothing?

I’m wondering how this episode is going to be received in the UK when it’s shown because the word “solder” is pronounced differently there. IIRC, the “L” is heard, not silent as it is in American English. In the British Isles the word is pronounced “sold her.”

The American pronunciation “sodder” has unfortunate and risible connotations.

A bit of character growth. He is trusting Amy, and only Amy, with something he is ashamed of and something that someone could hurt him with. I don’t know about anybody else but I don’t go around telling people things about me or things I have done that I’m ashamed of.

He moved from Texas before he met Leonard and the gang. And presumably he took the bus everywhere before he had Leonard to drive him around.

Jim Parsons also seemed to have bulked up a bit, like he has been hitting the gym.

Am I mistaken, or did she used to wear hip pads?

She looked more like Mayim Bialik and less like Amy. I don’t know whether Bialik curls her hair for public appearances, or straightens it to play Amy.

She pads up to play Amy, but she’s still a little heavier than Rauch and Cuoco. She’s had children, though, and I don’t think the other two have.

Well, people in the UK can be adults about it, like Americans are when we watch a UK show where someone talks about knocking someone up, or they can be children, and then there will be a special UK edition, where the actors will have to overdub the word for that episode. Since a lot of US TV is shown in the UK, I imagine they will be adults about it.

I don’t recall that there are any times when the word is used so that there are actual double entendres. For one thing, in the UK, wouldn’t it be “a” sodder, or “the” sodder, while in the US it’s “some” solder?

Here’s Mayim Bialik with herkids.

Looks like her hair is naturally a bit more curly than Amy’s.

Well, it did put Raj back in the closet, which is where he so obviously resides.

All in all, not a bad episode. Not great, but I thought the character growth on the part of just about everybody was well done.

Rivkah, if you’re asking if “solder” was used as a double entendre in Thursday’s ep, then no. It was spoken straightforwardly with no intent to garner humor from the word.

In the British Isles, “sod” is derived from “sodomite” and refers to buggery. You can use it as a verb, “sod off,” which is pretty much synonymous with “bugger off” and “fuck off.” “Piss off” is more or less the same, although it’s perhaps slightly less offensive than “sod off.”

Other uses of “sod” are as a pejorative noun, meaning “a bugger.” As in, “My boss docked my pay for being late. He’s a right sod.”

You can also use it as an adjective, as in “The sodding bus broke down so I got to my sodding job late.”

I like your suggestion, Rivkah, that the cast may overdub the word for broadcast in the UK. May well happen.

She may have been wearing only one cardigan.

That’s actually my point. A lot f the stuff in there was from his life before he had friends but somehow he was able to get it all to CA and stored away with no help and no car. Either way, like I said, just a nitpick on a pretty decent episode.

Not unrealistic at all. Test screenings are often what lead to reshoots.

Sheldon’s storage locker logistics temporarily broke my brain though.

Why did Sheldon save the golf ball but not the hockey puck?

Shipping via UPS

Box up everything in Texas and hire a moving company to transport it all to the storage facility in Pasadena? Sheldon takes the bus.

The puck probably landed back on the ice and was returned to play. the golf ball was just thrown at Sheldon by his brother.

I don’t see Sheldon or anyone in his family going to hockey games in Texas (is there such a thing?) unless his brother played hockey, in which case it’s much more likely that his brother also threw the hockey puck at him the same way he did the golf ball. Especially since it hit him in the back of the head.