The Big Book Of Things That Don't Bleed™--movie/comics/novels Undead

Hello, Childe Dopers!

Today, we are going to write The Big Book Of Things That Don’t Bleed™, a compendium of Undead Horrors from movies, fiction, games, etc.

There is an essential Rule–
it must be definitely Undead

Thus, Frankenstein’s Monster, an artificial man, does not count, as he was alive.
Neither do demons count.

Secondary rule–Multiple listings, from different genres, are fine. So, there can be more than one vampire, zombie, etc.
So, I’ll begin–

[li]Dracula (1938, Univeral movie)[/li][li]Simon Garth, the Zombie (Marvel Comics)[/li][/ol]

1.) – nitpick – Dracula was 1931 – Dracula (1931) - IMDb
2.) This is a potentially huge project, and will cease far short of its goal. But it might be diverting for a time.

Dead Boy from Simon R. Green’s Nightside series.

The Oblivion brothers also from the Nightside series.

Ironheart from Simon R. Green’s Blood and Honor

Lord Arhys from The Paladin of Souls

The Marvel Zombies ( from the series where almost the whole planet gets zombified ), all of them.

Som the Dead from Empire of the East

This is going to be fun.

Deadites (zombie): Demonized humans posessed by forest spirits.
– From The Evil Dead series of movies

Evil Ash (zombie): Leader of the Deadites
– From Army of Darkness

The Demondim from the Thomas Covenant books

I’ll list my personal favorite undead:

  1. Henry Fitzroy, the vampire romance novelist, bastard son of Henry VIII, from Tanya Huff’s *Blood *books.
  2. Jean Claude, the vampire Master of the City from Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake books.
  3. Betsy, Queene of the vampires, from MaryJanice Davidson’s *Undead *books.
  4. Jack Fleming, the vampire P.I. from P. N. Elrod’s The Vampire Files books.
  5. Constantine, the vampire in Robin McKinley’s book Sunshine.
  6. Angel, the vampire with a soul from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Reg Shoe, late of the Fresh Start club, now a member of the Ank-Morpork City Watch.
“Inside every live person is a dead one trying to get out.”

A couple webcomics ones:

Order of the Stick: Xykon (and various undead minions)
Erfworld: Uncroaked warlords and infantry.

old timey undead-
Lord Ruthven
Sir Francis Varney
Carmilla Karnstein

I haven’t read the series: are you certain they are Undead, rather than demons?

I know it’s your thread, but I just want to point out that vampires do bleed, sometimes quite profusely.

Some things that go bump in the night that don’t bleed:

1.) Mummies: from 1932’s Karloff to meeting Abbot and Costello to chasing Brendan Frasier around
2.) The skeletons encountered by Sinbad or Jason and the Argonauts
3.) Dick Cheney
4.) Just about any ghost

I’m a little confused: is this “things that don’t bleed” literally, or do you mean “things that don’t die just because you poke a hole in them”?

Scene I’d Like To See: In a monster/ horror movie a tough guy asks someone:
TG: “Does it die when you put a large caliber bullet through it?”
Somone: “NO!”
TG: “Ok, that is a problem…”

Sandman, Ghostrider, and Demon.

Does the terminstor bleed, or seep?

The old cylons don’t bleed.

In the original Star Wars Obi Wan Kenobi doesn’t bleed. He is raptured, nary a drop. Is he undead?

I’d call Force Ghosts a sort of undead.

Sorry, but this was AFTER his rapture.

Prior, he was an Energy Vampire masquerading as a human. (or whatever that species was in that galaxy far, far away…and a heck of a long time ago)

And, he framed the Energy Vampire hunter, Darth Vader, who was trying to rid the galaxy of his noxious kind. Today, Darth Vader is considered a villain, believe it or not!

Anyway, yeah, Obi-Wan Kenobi does qualify, it’s just that most folk do not realize this because they do not know The Truth.

Army of the Dead
Barrow Wights
Dead Marsh Corpses
all from Lord of the Rings

None of those are Undead.

Not Undead.