"The Boondocks" is Being CENSORED!!

It’s happening again. The New York Daily News and Long Island’s Newsday have censored ‘The Boondocks’.

Yesterday the News ran the day’s strip, with Huey calling the FBI terrorism hotline. Newsday ran one of the original strips, with the boys realizing they lived on Timid Deer Lane. So I knew something was up.

Today, the News put ‘Foxtrot’, the usual substitute for a vacationing strip, in its place. Newsday continues the Timid Deer series.

Is this happening in any other cities?

See the REAL strips here.

The Washington Post, bless its heart, is running the current strips. They did the same thing with the “controversial” wedding strips in For Better or For Worse, so they’re batting close to 1.000 in my book.

I don’t agree with the strips being censored for content – hey, kids, the American press is all about freedom of speech, and that’s the way it should be.

However, I would be in favor of the strip going away for another, very simple reason – it just ain’t funny, IMNSHO.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune is still carrying the Boondocks, and had the original strips for FBOFW’s wedding with Michael and Deanna.

I like the Boondocks. Some of it is isn’t all that funny (the Grandfather character is pretty one-dimensional) but the strip provides a point of view that I don’t see in ANY other strip.

Here in Dallas they’re running it, but they took it off the comics page and put it in “Cathy’s” usual spot on the page with the advice columnists, accompanied by a disclaimer that “Boondocks” is running material they felt was inappropriate for the comics page.

I thought the strip was funny as hell

Not to hijack, but…well, okay, to hijack, why would any papers have censored a wedding storyline from For Better Or For Worse? Weren’t Michael and Deanna the Pattersons’ son and his blind girlfriend? Why would they censor a heterosexual wedding storyline?

Several strips worth of conversation centered around the best man being gay.

You may be confusing the blind girlfriend from Fox Trot with FBOFW

and hijack of a hijack, I congratulated Lynn Johnston on her courage in the Lawrence storylines and got a nice email back from her a few weeks ago.

Hey, me too! It was only a couple of lines but it was a very friendly thanks. Kinda cool, actually.

Boondocks is in the Chicago Tribune today. And it is hilarious. I wonder if he’s going to continue “naming names”??? :smiley:

Why would they censor that???


(The Boondocks and FoxTrot are the only things I’ve missed since I stopped getting the newspaper…)

Boondocks is a strip that I regularly read online, and I wondered how newspapers were handling the current storyline.

rjung, you can read both Boondocks and Foxtrot online at MSNBC.com.


I LOVE The Boondocks! Sadly, my newspaper (the Houston Chronicle) doesn’t carry it, the fascist pigs. Fortunatly, I get a daily e-mail from ucomics.com.

The Chronicle did, however, run the “controversial” Lawrence wedding storyline, so it’s all good. :slight_smile:


The Boondocks rocks! Props to Aaron McGruder (a Syracuse alum!). I don’t always agree with him (especially the latest strips) but I thought the one where Huey reports Ronald Reagan as an American who extensively funded and trained OBL just cracked me up.

…but i want my bloomcounty! Best comic strip ever, to bad its been gone forever.

Hard to beleive I started a thread that almost five hundred people have looked at. That never happened to me before.

What’s also hard to believe is this!
The Boondocks website hasn’t been updated in over a year!

The Seattle P-I, which also runs Zippy the Pinhead, hasn’t censored Boondocks. God bless 'em.

In For Better or Worse, they were censoring the wedding because michael’s best man is gay. And there was and extended period in the strip where his spouse’s mother was pitching a fit over it.

I love the Boondocks. But while the Gone with the Wind sketch was Mc Gruder as his best, the one with Huey on the phone talking about how the CIA made bin Laden, was about as funny as the best of Mallard Fillmore, although with more truth.

I’m a big Post fan myself, but they’ve cancelled “Liberty Meadows” twice and only fan response saved it. And yeah, I can see where alot people think that “Liberty Meadows” may not be funny, but if want to see some strips that were censored (and funny as hell) go to libertymeadows.com. But it is BS that they censored “Boondocks.” C’mon freedom of speech, and while I don’t necessarily agree with what McGruder’s implying he definitly has a humorous way of showing his opinion. If your newspaper censors “Boondocks” fire off an e-mail or letter; it worked for “Liberty Meadows.”