The boss of Canada


Lee? Peart? Lifeson? They’re mere boys compared to the true King of Canada:
Gordon Lightfoot

Hey Odie, you can be Captain Canada, the first Canadian superhero.
That’s more fun than being the plain old boss. :smiley:


Works for me…do I get a maple leaf on my chest…or do I have to settle for a beaver on me…:wink:

Would a beaver on you really be ‘settling’? :wink:

Actually, Captain Canada wears a shiny white jumpsuit with a glowing red maple leaf emblazoned on the chest. The leaf shoots out lasers and stuff, and you ride a giant red moose.

Sound good?


Sure…as long as I get a beaver for a sidekick… I think I am obsessed about beavers…mmm…beavers…

Hmmm…BeaverGirl maybe? Loyal companion and trusted sidekick, a beautiful little spitfire (if you ignore the buckteeth and the big flat tail). :slight_smile:

Well that would be the best offer I got recently…as long as she doesn’t mind…errr parting her fur…

Like anyone would turn down Captain Canada!

Uh, I would, if he was wearing:


Sounds too much like my last boyfriend, Tundra Man. Only, Tundra Man rode an Umingmak. That’s why I left him.

Will you guys please stop hijacking my thread and tell me who the real boss of Canada is?

My wife says it’s Sears, my son says it’s Superman, and I say it’s me.

So, who’s right?


Harummmph… and we prefer to be referred to as New Democrats, not NDPers…

Now, I want you to go and read the collected works of Rosemary Brown, then come back and I’ll quiz you on them.

all this gets me to wondering: who is the boss of the U.S.A.? I don’t think it’s really George W. any more than I think the boss of Canada is really Chretien. If either of these guys were really in charge, we’d be in a lot of trouble.

Well, I don’t know about America, but Ginger is the boss of Canada.

Hey, I didn’t know either, until she said so.

Say, is a curtsy optional or mandatory?

<United Statesian Invader Alert>

Being a Texan, and the product of the U.S. education system, I have no idea who the boss of Canada is…

But someday, it will be me, I’m sure of it. Eh.

</United Statesian Invader Alert>

(Actually, I hate the suggestion we call ourselves “United Statesians,” because there’s also a United States of Mexico. But it just feels weird to refer to myself as an American with the implication that Canadians weren’t from “America,” seeing as how most of this side of the world is “America” in one way or another.)

OOOOOH, ate too much!!! May never eat again!!! Never, ever, want to see turkey, ham, sweet potatos et al again!!!
Actually, I had a great time with the In-laws. The kids all got along great, the Bro-in-law’s new girlfriend is pretty nice and my boys didn’t cuss in front of Grandma (Major Victory!) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who is having their’s tommorow, and I hope all you Sunday Diners had a great one!

OOps how’d I get here!? I’m supposed to have put this on the Canuck Thanksgiving thread!