The C.I.A. was in bed with the Nazis? Hmmm.

Interesting Story on the CIA-Nazi connection.

It comes as no surprise at all that the current Administration is violating the Rule of Law as stated in the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act. Full and unfettered disclosure of all relevant documents is required by this Act.

It is kind of embarassing, though. It’s 2005, already… yanno?

Of course, this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that George Herbert Walker Bush was the head of the C.I.A. for many years.

Nothing whatsoever… :rolleyes:

IMHO the C.I.A. needs a wee bit of airing out.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s been an open secret for years that former members of the Nazi party were “rehabilitated” with considerable speed and ease if they were rocket or turbojet experts or nuclear physicists.

Who do you think designed your “Mr. Coffee”? I mean, DUH!

Of course it doesn’t. George “Shrub” Bush has gone on record as saying his father is not the guy he goes to when he needs advice about political policy. Apparenty it’s Jesus who’s recommending tourture. Doesn’t seem like He’s quite as nice a guy as we’ve been lead to believe.

Just goes to show that anything can be done in the name of National Security.


I could quote Orwell, but there are things you should discover on your own.

I guess I’ll be the first to point out that the CIA was founded in 1947. If they turned up in bed with some former Nazis, it was an inherited situation.

While it’s technically correct to say that the CIA was “founded” in 1947, it was more a renaming of the OSS spy agency.

That is correct, I should have provided a link outlining the history of each agency. Having said that, I don’t mean to reach back through time and criticize folks who acted 60 years ago. ( I would of course, but it’s bullshit. )

I meant solely to take note of what is happening today. And, today it is not the OSS, it is the CIA. Hence my O.P.

The O.S.S.

History of C.I.A. with connection back to O.S.S.
