The Celebrity Death Pool 2012

If he’s really most sincerely dead then eight people have him. I’ll keep an eye on this story, so as to be ready to award points when the guy goes into the ground. Since I’m assuming he’s Muslim they have to bury him within a fairly short period after he dies.


And in the latest news, Generalissimo Hosni Mubarak is still “clinically dead”

So… if someone dies, and then comes back to life, do you still get the points? And more points if they die again?

Perhaps they’ll given him a Dick Cheney Heart suit, and then put him on a North Korean train with a bottle of Michael Jackson’s ““Milk””.
I think normal death is dying. **

'e’s only *mostly *dead!

Do we have a new member of the Ariel Sharon Club? I think we just might!

Does this mean I can vote Zombies?

What about Zombie Threads?

He joins the list along other things Clinically dead including MySpace, Yahoo! and AOL.

The Jesus Christ Rule of 1998 declares that any person coming back to life or
existing in a zombie state doesn’t add or subtract from the original points scored.
There is no double dipping in the Death Pool. Once you’re dead, you’re dead, no matter how many times you appear on TV after your burial.


The half of me that thinks this is not a woosh begs for context.

Then again, the third half of me just did the math, and wonders who the SDMB ninety-eighters would be…

Well, we did have a board in 1998, but I do not remember a Death Pool at all. :slight_smile:

LeRoy Neiman dead at 91.

Damn. I had him on one of my early lists but took him off because I thought Nancy Reagan was a better bet to kick ye olde bucket.

Did anyone get the 9 points?

No. no posters selected Neiman.

Neiman! /J. Seinfeld

(Yes. I know It wasn’t)

Damn. I loved him as Spock.

That’s awesome. Leonard Nimoy might not think so, but I like it.

Nanu nanu!


That’s a joke, right?

Hard to tell these days.