The clothes you're wearing right now -- do you remember where it all came from?

Batman jammy pants - bought via mom from KMart as my Christmas present. She was buying everyone jammy pants and I was like “hell yeah I want Batman too!”

gray wife-beater: Bought from Target in a pack of two. I also have a black one which I recently stained with bleach. Curses!

At the moment all I’m wearing is a bathrobe. It was the one my Other Half bought for me when I was in the hospital in January 2007. I especially like it because it is NOT pastel, as so many bathrobes are.

The bra came from Dillard’s, the socks and underpants came from Wal-Mart, the shoes came from Brown’s, the pants from Similar Mode and the tie-dyed t-shirt came from a vendor at the Farmer’s Market.

I think normally I’d be able to say yes, but I have no idea where these pants came from. I hardly ever wear them. I am way behind on laundry and scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The pants came from J.C. Penny’s (St Johns Bay, my favorite pants for work). The shirt came from Kohls. The shoes from Nordstom’s Rack. The socks and undies are from Target.

Sure. My underwear and t-shirt are from Walmart, and my lounge pants were a birthday gift from my parents, which I believe came from a JCPenney catalog.

I don’t think there’s a single article of clothing I own and can wear that I don’t know where it came from. Anything old enough for me to have forgotten also doesn’t fit.

I bought these undies at Target, about a year ago. I’ve had to go down a couple of sizes in undies, as I’ve lost quite a bit of weight.

The only other thing I’m wearing is my glasses, and I know where I bought them, but not when, without looking up my records. I know I need new ones.

Well, I’m wearing fingernail polish, too. But that doesn’t count, right?

I generally always know exactly where any of my clothes were bought and approximately what I paid for them. I’m not so good at identifying when.

My everyday clothes have short lifespans, so I could tell you this year or last year pretty readily and possibly the season I bought them in.

Longer lived thus less worn cloths I can still tell you where but the whens all blend together. Occasionally I’ll see an older picture of myself and think wow I’ve had that x(article of clothing) forever.


Where, yes but when is a little fuzzy.

The pajama pants were bought online clearance from Land’s End and the t-shirt came from Garden Ridge, purchased for one of my many uncompleted craft projects. The ankle socks and underwear are from Meijer.

Tshirt: despite saying “Revolución”, it’s actually propaganda from a bank.
Jeans: my favorite jeans store.
Shoes: a store close to Mom’s which carries cheap espadrilles.
Bra: a store in my home town.
Panties: the street market in my home town.

This is easy. Shorts, tshirt, panties, toenail polish from Walmart. Glasses from Zenni. Wedding band an heirloom from husband’s Granny.

On other days, substitute “thrift store” for “Walmart.” (Outer clothes only, though. Cuz otherwise eeeewwww.)

I’m reading the dope in bed in my birthday suit, so I went with ‘other’.

The clothes that I wear most frequently are the ones that I know exactly where and when I bought them. It’s the 10-20% of my clothes that I never wear, the stuff at the back of the closet or the bottom of a box, that make me think “where and when did I ever buy this?!”

Male, Yes:
Jeans, long-sleeved-T-worn-as-undershirt, Jockeys, socks: Woolworths
Shoes: Cape Union Mart
Time Traveller Essentials T-shirt: Topotaco

Shirt: Work-issued.
Pants: mail-ordered from the fat people store.
Undershirt: Wal-Mart.
Shoes: DSW.
Socks: Wal-Mart.
Ring: Tiffany.


Boots- Online from Sierra Trading Post, bought in anticipation of a cold South African winter.
Socks- Smartwool from REI, same deal.
Undies- Red Chinese New Year’s undies from China
Thermal- Given by my mom as a Christmas present two years ago.
Fleece- Stolen from my friend Tasha in Tibet (it was cold there!)
Scarf- From this really neat Cape Town botique with lots of stuff from local designers
Earrings- The big pair is from Claire’s, when I decided all I wanted in the world is a pair of really trashy silver hoops. The littles ones are from a street stall in Zunyi, China.

Lounging-around-the-house-dress (one step above a muu-muu): I sewed it, kind of. Lime green sleeveless cotton blouse from Sears, bought years ago. Skirt made from brilliantly colored striped cotton, artfully pleated and sewn onto the blouse just above where the waistline is. It makes me happy because it’s cute, cool, and colorful. Panties: microfiber Hanes from Target. Shoes: silver mesh with sequins from the Chinese dollar store.

I bought this robe at Target… three summers ago? Definitely Target, though.

F, I know the provenance of all my clothing.

Shirt: J.Jill, 5+ years ago
Camisole: Target, within the last few months
Bra: Nordstrom, within the last few months
Underwear: Target, within the last few months
Jeans: Gap, within the last few months
Sandals: DSW, 2 months ago