The comedy Airplane! was released 30 years ago! Surely you can't be serious!


Rex Kramer:* Passengers certain to die!*
Steve McCroskey: Airline negligent.
Johnny: *There’s a sale at Penney’s! *

A hat, a brooch, a pterodactyl!

stares at plate with skeleton of fish

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

good luck, we’re all counting on you.

I could go on, but [heh] I’d probably start to bore you.

Oh, stewardess! I speak jive!

I know the moderator for this thread! It’s Kareem Abdul Jabaar!

You try dragging** twickster** and Ellen Cherry up and down the boards for 48 minutes!

I still laugh hysterically at the guy who comes down from the ceiling.

A moderator!? What is it?

It’s a jackbooted thug who likes to wave her ban-stick around, but that’s not important right now.

Boy, I sure picked the wrong week to quit comedy-nostalgia wanking!

You ever seen a grown man naked?

The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.

No, the red zone is for loading and unloading, and there is no stopping in the white zone.

Don’t you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for stopping!

37 posts and nobody has yet mentioned Otto?

everybody likes a happy ending…

Just a hilarious movie. Love it, love it, love it.

Jews for Jesus…?

:: POW! ::

IIRC, one scene that was cut was a second, much longer scene between Johnny and the little girl who liked her coffee black where they talk about their regrets and might-have-beens. It wasn’t so much that it was a bad scene, as much as it just really slowed down the movie at that point.

It’s pretty much impossible to watch *Zero Hour *with a straight face once you’ve seen Airplane! Whole chunks of ZH are pretty much exactly recreated in Airplane! with a side trip through Bizzaro World.