A 21-disk set is available from Daedalus for $50. Strikes me as possible one or two Dopers might be interested.
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A 21-disk set is available from Daedalus for $50. Strikes me as possible one or two Dopers might be interested.
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Wow! Is that sale price or a regular price? I’m awfully tempted!!!
They’re a remainder house, so they’ll be selling it at that price till they’re all gone.
But do they have the expurgated version—the one without the gannet?
Considering that’s the NEW “complete set” with the added documentaries, that’s a steal.
Just want to say thanks for this heads up… I’m way too cheap to pop the 150$ set but this rocks.
Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to Me!
A few years ago I was able to pick up the 14-DVD Megaset for $36. Now I’m almost wishing that I’d waited for this deal. Unless, of course, I can justify spending $50 in hopes of recouping some of it by selling the set I have now…
I bought mine for about $200! What a steal! If I didn’t have one already, I’d snatch that up! (they make fun marathons).
That’s a very good price- the problem is the word “Complete.”
Monty Python did some absolutely brilliant sketches, but they also churned out a HUGE amount of unwatchable crap. Sitting through ALL of their TV work would be painful. If I could do some editing, I could probably put together a fantastic 3 or 4 disc set. But 21 discs is just way too much of a not-altogether-good thing.
You can get all 46(?) episodes on Netflix - and they’re in the “Watch Instantly” section at the moment!
I’ve been watching 1 or 2 episodes every night or so, and I totally agree with astorian.
Maybe 2 sketches per episode are “good ones” so far.
Yeah, I was one of the saps who bought this series piece-meal as it dribbled out in half season boxsets. I shudder to think of the cost.
But I learned mylesson, and now wait for mega-sets of things I like.
A steal. Mine on order. Thanks, twickster!!
(Splutters) The one without the gannet?!? They’ve ALL got the gannet! It’s a standard British bird, the gannet’s in ALL the books!
(stuttering) I-I don’t like them…they wet their nests.
All right. I’ll remove it. (RIP!)
**Sorry, I just couldn’t help it. The Bookshop is one of my all time favorites! Ah, The Contractual Obligation Album!
Oh! I almost forgot! Thanks for the info about how long this may be a deal!!