The Congresswoman with the crazy eyes.

We’re out of cake. Your options are “… or death”.

Yeah she’s completely batshit, yes shes grandstanding and making a lot out of almost nothing because it will look good for her constituents but I guess I understand her want of privacy. The same part of me that feels Best Buy has no business knowing my ZIP Code also kind of cringes at the census.
Hey, Hitler made the trains run on time.

That would had been Mussolini, not that Benito actually managed to do that of course.

Sure he did, but from an Italian perspective, and they aren’t nearly so hung up on anal-retentive notions of schedules.

I understand people wanting privacy. I can’t understand what right somebody who runs for national public office and appears almost daily on TV or radio could possibly have to privacy.

Mussolini made the trains run on time. Germany has always been known for it’s precision timetables. Also, this last bit is more about how the cap & trade bill is the White House furthering their nefarious plans to run every part of your life.

But it’s good that you are choosing liberty over tyranny. Go Liberty!

Here in AMERICA, our trains have the FREEDOM to not run on time!

Damned Chrono-fascists!

“You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.”

Scott McNealy

Yes, because there’s no chance that they knew your zip code when you wrote them a check, signed up for their credit card, signed up for a warranty, or were added to the national address database used by most marketing groups.

Damn. Best Buy knows your address. They might be coming for you in the middle of the night. Watch out! Are those Geek Squad guys shadowing you? Are they hacking your computer while you’re surfing the web? Will you wake up in the middle of the night with an extended warranty stapled to your forehead as a warning?

I don’t care that BB knows my ZIP code.

I do care about completing my transaction without spending any time tipping my metaphorical hat to BB’s marketing department.

In most places, it’s not about them or you, it’s about local taxes they need to apply to people from certain zip codes.

Or it might be about “Gee, many of the people shopping at this store are coming from this other town. Maybe we should build a store there.”

How’d that many nuts grow inside your ass and how’d you get that flashlight up in there along with your head to find 'em?

He’s nocturnal.

Precisely what I was thinking. I like happy little mistakes. :slight_smile:

Then theres no need to ask me.

I don’t think any of this stuff, but if I wanted them to better target me with ads I’d sign up for them.

Perhaps you’re right, in that case you surely won’t mind posting here your real full name, phone number, address, Social Security number and credit card information.

A brilliant parody! It reads exactly as if it were produced by a belligerent but inarticulate buttmunchkin! Kudos, well done!

They were probably put there by the squirrels secreting acorns over in GQ, or by the Polar Bear Bukkues from the Pit thread three up from this one. :slight_smile:

All this over an inadvertent compliment?

You really need to see if you can fit a mirror up your ass, along with your head, those nuts, that flashlight and permanent ten-foot pole. The acknowledgement of your misplaced anger issues would do you good.

Like other posters have told you many times, you’re not as brilliant as you seem to think you are.

So, you feel better now? And we’re done, then? Good.

Now that you’ve ackowledged your issues, yeah, I’m done with you.