The Congresswoman with the crazy eyes.

And this would be why, sometimes, America scares the everliving piss out of me.

As an ironic aside, anyone notice the proeminent cross she bears ? 'Cause you know, Christ verily told these freeloading assholes to get the hell out of his bread & fish buffet, get off their asses and get a job if they didn’t want to starve.

Clearly, you have the outdated Jesus. You need to upgrade to Jesus 2.0.

Vaporware! They’ve been promising that upgrade for 2000 years. That’s longer than we waited for Duke Nuke’Em Forever*!

*So far…

Maybe Sen. Cynthia Davis has got a leaked alpha version ?

It’s gotta be the heating bill. It gets cold in MN. At first I thought it was the amisulpride but it’s pretty obvious she’s not getting enough.

Pity me… JustThinkin’ and I bought this house before our neighbors elected BatShit. Now we have to go around with Groucho Glasses on whenever political discussions might arise.

Touching in a correct, heterosexual way, of course!

The Northwest angle isn’t just for show.

The git that keeps on giving!

From Talking Points Memo, without which no citizen can hope to be well informed…


The typo, keep it.

Rule of dumb: if it could be a typo, but could be snark, its snark.

And this just in:

(emphasis added)

I swear, I am not making this up!

She is too crazy for Beck. That is saying a lot.
Yet she was elected. What does that say about her constituents.

Could it be she’s just preparing for her next career, in talk radio?

I wonder where her husband got his training?

Having been married to a complete psycho, this very idea gives me nightmares. Thank you so much for forcing me to think about what it would be like to be married to someone like this. Up until now, the thought had never entered my mind.

I’ve just never known you to engage in snark.

Dunno about the hetero training, but I bet he’s got some self-defense moves. He must have, or else she’d have eaten his head after mating with him.

The census? A government plot to put us all in concentration camps. Cap and Trade? Virtual control of our lives by the government.

Her latest fundraising letter is based on this ‘deleting of liberty’ aspect of the bill. Liberty or Tyranny–Which will YOU choose?

Its true, I’m but a timid woodland creature, searching here for nuts and berries. Haven’t had much luck with the berries.

Cake, please.