The Crypt of SDMB Clichés

Not to vent at any particular post or poster, but am I the only one tired of overuse of:

The. Comic. Book. Guy. Punctuation.
In which someone impersonates Penny Lane
/me pretends to be using IRC
[vB]faux coding[/vB]?

Go read the Horror of Blimps or another fine example of creative post writing and see if you are still want to load up the ol’ JokeBot with the SDMB cliché phrase list.

I’m a new guy, but I noticed the overuse of fucktard and asshat almost immediately.

If someone said “asshat” to me in person, I’d laugh in their face. It’s so stupid that it’s not even an insult. “Fucktard” is nearly as stupid, but it is a little better.

You’re going to have to explain the Penny Lane one, because I don’t notice a lot of people impersonating a cheery Beatles song.

I’ve seen more than my share of goat-felching around here. Can’t we put that poor bastard out to pasture?

DeskMonkey, I don’t know for sure, but I wondered if it was a slam on the “in which I…” stuff, not particularly the Penny Lane part.

If it is the Penny Lane part, well slap my ass and call me Sally 'cause I don’t know what that is either!

How to put this delicately… Um, really? Wow, that’s surprising!

Related to the OP, an SDMB cliche that I’m grateful has been laid to rest is the use of “Hi Opal!” as the third item of any list. Man, was I sick of that joke.

Ah, goat-felching… I remember the care free days when that got a chuckle. It’s on the list now.

Penny Lane is a reference to a scene in Almost Famous that is oft paraphrased as a thread title. e.g. “In which Waverly rants about SDMB clichés.” The speaker is not Penny, but she is the main character of the ensuing little passion play.

I think it would be unfair to burden the general populace with unreasonable expectations.

The sad truth is that not everybody is me.

Jump the Shark.

Posters refering to themselves in the Third Person in the Title. If you ain’t royalty or Elvis you look damn stupid.


The new one “cum-guzzling”.

Thread Police.

Ask the _____________.

The stupid who would win or vs thread. Example: Batman vs. Herbie the love bug, who would win?

Pro-Spoiler whiners.

Anti-Spoiler whiners.

  1. thing 1
  2. thing 2
  3. Hi Opal

d & r annoys me immensely. It might have been fun the first time, but sheesh.

“I’m so going to hell for this one”. No you’re not. What’s said with I’m-going-to-hell cliche is not usually even that offensive.

And sorry, Waverly, but I have to express my annoyment with the phrasing “am I the only one who _____.” Again, when it’s used, it’s usually pretty obvious that the poster won’t be - can’t be - the only one who _____.

Second the nomination of “D&R.” Egads, that’s annoying.

However, I will defend to the death my right to say “asshat.”

Thankfully, I did not suggest everyone become Scylla. I shudder to think… I suggested that everyone aspire to write something more akin to The Horror of Blimps. [mental note: use John Irving in the next example] One day, we are going to have to talk about your overuse of the hard carriage return.


Gotcha Ya.

Single word punctuation: Worst. Cliche. Ever.

Junior Mods.

Nazi Mods.

Nazi anything.

Joke locations under the member name. Er, wait, scratch that.

Anti-cliche threads.

(I rather like ‘fuckwit’. It says everything I want to say about oh so many people, and in seven easy-to-pronounce letters.)

Damn, now I won’t be able to slap Sally on the ass! Sorry Scout1222

I’ll happily look after the goat and feed him lots of cans and boots so he may live out the rest of his days in diginity.

Now, can we get a ruling hysterical over-reactions to innocent (or not-so-innocent) comments by fellow posters just to have something to scream about in the Pit? Is that cliche or just annoying?

D & R?

I like Gotcha Ya!

Then again, I’m fond of Fucko Off as well.

How about posts where you have:

(Polite, reasoned response)

Followed by:

“Oh yeah…since this is the Pit - (expletive)!”

Short for Duck & Run, a phrase some posters use to denote smartass comments they make.

People, people! Smartass comments are a treasure by themselves! They don’t need to be denoted. By gods, you might as well be using [/sarcasm] tags when you’re being sarcastic, and what kind of society would that be?

Casey, if you’re asking…

ducks and runs

It pains me to say goodbye, but
Og Smash!
has run it’s course.