The Daily Feud: Geeks by winterhawk11 [Game Over]

  1. IT
  2. Star Wars
  3. Dungeons and dragons
  4. Overweight
  5. Action figures
  6. Star Wars
  7. They might be Giants
  8. Comicon
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. Watching a lot of TV.

10: The distinction escapes me.

  1. Engineering
  2. Star Wars
  3. Dungeons & Dragons
  4. Social incompetence
  5. Blackberry
  6. Star Wars
  7. pass
  8. Smithsonian’s American History Museum
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. Math skills

  1. I will not retract this.
  2. In the room with ENIAC
  1. Computer Programming
  2. Hackers
  3. Dungeons & Dragons
  4. Thick-rimmed Spectacles
  5. Pocket Protector
  6. Star Trek
  7. Weezer
  8. To a (sci-fi/tech) convention
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. Friends

I didn’t quite understand Q10, so my answer is a total guess - (in the UK where I am I think the terms are interchangeable).

  1. Computer programming
  2. Revenge of the Nerds
  3. Dungeons and Dragons
  4. Glasses
  5. Pocket protector
  6. Star Trek
  7. Pink Floyd
  8. Roswell, New Mexico
  9. Coca-Cola
  10. A GPS unit
  1. Computer programming
  2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  3. Chess
  4. Wears glasses
  5. Pocket protector
  6. Star Trek
  7. They Might Be Giants
  8. Fan convention
  9. Cheetos
  10. A chicken for biting the head off of
  1. IT
  2. Pi
  3. D 7 D
  4. Computer freak
  5. Laptop
  6. Trekkie
  7. Weezer
  8. Computer convention
  9. Coke
  10. Good job
  1. Computer programming
  2. Star Wars
  3. D & D
  4. Glasses
  5. Pocket protector
  6. Star Trek
  7. Radiohead
  8. Computer camp
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. Friends


  1. Computer Programmers
  2. Star Trek
  3. D&D
  4. thick glasses
  5. pocket protector
  6. Monty Python
  7. They M ight Be Giants
  8. Space Camp
  9. Red Bull
  10. obsessive personality
  1. IT
  2. Real Genius
  3. NetHack
  4. Glasses
  5. Thumb Drive
  6. Star Trek
  7. Weird Al Yankovic
  8. Comic-Con
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. Self-Awareness of Geekosity

(not sure if that’s the word I’m looking for for #10 - most geeks know they’re geeks - nerds have to be told they’re nerds)

  1. Software programming
  2. Star Trek the Motion Picture
  3. Civilization
  4. She wears glasses
  5. Pocket calculator
  6. Star Trek
  7. Weezer
  8. A convention
  9. Jolt cola
  10. Awareness of their geekness
  1. IT
  2. Star Wars
  3. Dungeons and Dragons
  4. hot
  5. glasses
  6. Lord of the Rings
  7. Weezer
  8. the internet
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. clear skin?
  1. Programmer
  2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  3. Dungeons & Dragons
  4. Glasses
  5. Pocket protector
  6. Lord of the Rings
  7. They Might Be Giants
  8. GenCon
  9. Jolt Cola
  10. Soldering iron
  1. IT
  2. Star Wars
  3. WoW
  4. Glasses
  5. iPhone
  6. Star Trek
  7. Weezer
  8. Vegas
  9. Mt. Dew
  10. Social skills
  1. computer programming
  2. Star Wars
  3. Dungeons & Dragons
  4. unconventional hotness
  5. pocket protector
  6. Star Wars
  7. They Might Be Giants
  8. Space Camp
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. sex appeal

We need one more…

  1. Computer programmer
  2. Star Wars
  3. Dungeons & Dragons
  4. Has glasses
  5. Pocket protector
  6. Star Trek
  7. They Might Be Giants
  8. Japan
  9. Mountain Dew
  10. Obsessiveness
  1. Tech support
  2. Star Trek II
  3. D & D
  4. Reads comic books
  5. Bluetooth headset
  6. Dr. Who
  7. The Beatles
  8. Cupertino Ca
  9. Breakfast Cereal.
  10. understanding of popular culture.

Um, wow. Is there a booby prize for most unusual answers?

Note to self: Pop culture perception of us is different from our own perception.

Whew! This one was a bitch… Note to self: No more open-ended “opinion” type answers… there’s around 150 answers after sorting/grouping. (Check my grouping, please.) I’ll be back at 6:00pm CST to post the leader board.
1. Computer programmer 21

  1. IT 17
  2. Engineering 8
  3. Software designer 3
  4. Mathematician 1

2. Star Wars 12
2. Real Genius 8
2. Revenge of the Nerds 7
2. Star Trek 5
2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 4
2. Lord of the Rings 3
2. Wargames 2
2. 2001 1
2. Goonies 1
2. Hackers 1
2. Nerds 1
2. Office Space 1
2. Pi 1
2. Primer 1
2. The Matrix 1
2. Weird Science 1

3. Dungeons and Dragons 41
3. World of Warcraft 3
3. Chess 2
3. Civilization 1
3. Magic the Gathering 1
3. NetHack 1
3. Starcraft 1

4. Wears glasses 31
4. Hot 3
4. Non-existent/Scarce 3
4. Introverted/Mousy 2
4. Overweight/Chubby 2
4. Smart 2
4. Social awkwardness 2
4. Computer freak 1
4. Goth 1
4. plays in the band 1
4. Ponytail 1
4. Skinny 1

5. Pocket protector 31
5. Blackberry/iPhone 5
5. Glasses 4
5. Calculator 2
5. Laptop 2
5. Action figures 1
5. Cell Phone 1
5. Cell-phone holder on belt 1
5. light saber 1
5. NintendoDS 1
5. Thumb Drive 1

6. Star Trek 25
6. Star Wars 7
6. Lord of the Rings 4
6. Comic books 3
6. Firefly/Serenity 2
6. Anime 1
6. Buffy 1
6. fantasy 1
6. Harry Potter 1
6. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 1
6. Monty Python 1
6. Science Fiction 1
6. The Simpsons 1
6. Whedonverse 1

7. They Might Be Giants 14
7. Weezer 11
7. Pink Floyd 4
7. Rush 3
7. Devo 2
7. Marching 2
7. Weird Al 2
7. Belle & Sebastian 1
7. DMB 1
7. Metallica 1
7. None 1
7. pass1 1
7. Pass2 1
7. pass3 1
7. PDQ Bach 1
7. Radiohead 1
7. REM 1
7. Scooter 1
7. The Rock Bottom Remainders 1

8. Convention 27
8. Japan 5
8. Space camp 4
8. Silicon Valley 3
8. CERN 1
8. Computer camp 1
8. digging up dinosaur bones 1
8. Disneyland 1
8. Roswell, New Mexico 1
8. Skywalker Ranch 1
8. Smithsonian’s American History Museum 1
8. The Air and Space Museum 1
8. the beach 1
8. the internet 1
8. Vegas 1

9. Mountain dew 19
9. Red Bull 8
9. Coca-Cola 3
9. Jolt Cola 3
9. Pizza 2
9. Skittles 2
9. Bawls 1
9. cheese wiz 1
9. Cheetos 1
9. Cola 1
9. Dr. Pepper 1
9. Guinness 1
9. Hot Pockets 1
9. Lunch made by Mom 1
9. Mac n Cheese 1
9. Mead 1
9. Pop Tarts 1
9. Soda 1
9. Twinkies 1

10. Girlfriend/boyfriend 5
10. Brainy 4
10. Friends 4
10. Stock portfolio 4
10. Obsessive 3
10. Social skills 3
10. Awareness of their geekiness 2
10. Chicken 2
10. A cool hair-cut 1
10. A GPS unit 1
10. A light-up LED something 1
10. A t-shrt that says, “Theres no place like” 1
10. an intercooled, turbocharged car 1
10. Being a gamer 1
10. clear skin 1
10. Emotional investment in this question 1
10. Good job 1
10. Graphing Calculator 1
10. Homemade costume 1
10. Homemade light sabre 1
10. iPhone 1
10. Large collection of comic books 1
10. Math skills 1
10. Pocket Protector 1
10. sarcasm 1
10. Segway 1
10. sex appeal 1
10. Social awkwardness 1
10. Soldering iron 1
10. Watching a lot of TV 1
10. world of warcraft accounts 1

I toooooold you so. Geek feuds suck! :wink: