The Daily Feud: Space Exploration by Elendil's Heir [Game Over]



Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

New formatting rules:

If they are not followed, your answers will be DISQUALIFIED.

  1. answer
  2. answer
  3. answer
  4. answer

Make your list look like the one above. No double spacing. No periods (except for the one following the number.) No quote marks, no punctuation if it is not necessary! No smilies! No extraneous bullshit is allowed. If you feel you must qualify your answer, do it AFTER THE LIST!

The reason this is so important is because I cut and paste all the answers, and I have to edit each answer to make them identical. It is a lot of work, so please make it easier on me. Thanks.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me and I’ll get you on The List.

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 3:30 PM Central on Tuesday, 03/10/09 whichever comes first.
Good luck!

Remember, the new formatting rules are in effect. Read the rules!

  1. Name an early space explorer.
  2. Name an early space probe.
  3. Name a type of animal that was sent into space.
  4. Other than Werner Von Braun, name a noteworthy figure in space exploration who never left the ground.
  5. Beyond Earth orbit, where should the next crewed expedition go?
  6. Should the U.S. and its allies develop a military potential in space?
  7. What is the coolest non-fictional spacecraft ever?
  8. What is the best movie, fiction or nonfiction, about space exploration?
  9. Other than the U.S., Russia and China, name a country that is now committed to space exploration.
  10. What should the first starship be named?
  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Voyager
  3. Monkey
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. Yes
  7. Space Shuttle
  8. Apollo 13
  9. India
  10. Harmony
  1. Yuri Gargarin
  2. Sputnik
  3. Dog
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Voyager
  8. 2001
  9. India
  10. Enterprise
  11. Certainly not first anyway.
  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Sputnik 1
  3. Monkey
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. Yes
  7. SpaceShipOne
  8. Apollo 13
  9. North Korea
  10. The Roddenberry
  1. Copernicus
  2. Voyager
  3. Dog
  4. Copernicus
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Apollo
  8. 2001
  9. France
  10. Enterprise

I’m gonna do sooo badly on this one.

  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Sputnik I
  3. Dog
  4. John F. Kennedy
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Cassini
  8. Star Trek
  9. France
  10. Enterprise
  1. Yuri Gagarin

  2. Voyager

  3. dog

  4. Goddard

  5. Mars

  6. no

  7. Apollo

  8. Apollo 13

  9. Enterprise

  10. We should disarm

  11. or Gonxomax

  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Sputnik
  3. Dog
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Apollo 11
  8. Apollo 13
  9. India
  10. Enterprise
  1. Alan Shepard
  2. Sputnik
  3. Dog
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Apollo Lunar Module
  8. 2001: A Space Oddyssey
  9. India
  10. Enterprise
    (2. Laika, by name; I’m still haunted by the fact that the Russians sent her up knowing she’d die in space!)
    (4. Many worthy Russians, despite their casual treatment of dogs :eek:, but no names spring to mind, and I’m betting most other would have a hard time with this as well)
    (9. I’d say ‘European Space Agency’, but it’s not a single country, izzit?)
  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Mariner
  3. Chimp
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Space Shuttle
  8. Apollo 13
  9. India
  10. Icarus
  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Sputnik I
  3. Dog
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Mars Rover
  8. Apollo 13
  9. France
  10. Enterprise

3. Laika, that poor bitch
5. Or possibly the Planet of the Apes
9. Stand-in for the European Space Agency

  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Sputnik
  3. Chimp
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Apollo
  8. Apollo 13
  9. India
  10. Enterprise
  1. Yuri Gargarin
  2. Sputnik
  3. Chimp
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. no
  7. X 15
  8. 2001
  9. Japan
  10. Enterprise

That would be Sergei Korolev, who was the head of Soviet rocket design in the fifties and sixties - the period when the Soviets essentially won the Space Race. The Soviets probably would have gotten to the Moon first as well except that Korolev unexpectedly died in 1966 and his death disrupted the Soviet space program.

  1. John Glenn
  2. Sputnik
  3. Dog
  4. Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Saturn V
  8. Right Stuff
  9. India
  10. Enterprise

Yuri Gagarin? I can’t beleive there ae so many red commie bastards on this board.

  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Voyager
  3. Monkey
  4. Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. Yes
  7. Apollo 11
  8. 2001
  9. India
  10. Enterprise
  1. Alan Shepherd
  2. Sputnik
  3. Chimp
  4. Alan Hale
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Apollo 11
  8. Star Trek
  9. France
  10. Enterprise

I missed a space on no9 . Should I redo it?

  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Sputnik
  3. Dog
  4. Robert Goddard
  5. Mars
  6. No
  7. Apollo
  8. Apollo 13
  9. India
  10. Enterprise