The Daily Feud: Technology Marches On by ChockFullOfHeadyGoodness [Game Over]

Questions about different “gizmos” through time.

Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me and I’ll get you on The List.


Write your answers like this; Do not repeat the questions, no periods at the end of answers, no spaces between lines, no comments, no fancy list coding.[/color] And no quotes, please. If you need to comment or clarify your answers, do it AFTER the list of answers. Thanks.

1. answer [color=red]<<—There is a space after the period!
2. response
3. rejoinder

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 4:00 PM Central on Tuesday, 01/13/09 whichever comes first.

Good luck!

  1. Name a new gizmo that appeared this century.
  2. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1990s.
  3. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1980s.
  4. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1970s.
  5. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1960s.
  6. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1950s.
  7. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1940s.
  8. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1930s.
  9. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 1920s, other than Death Rays.
  10. Name a new gizmo that appeared in the 19th century.
  1. Hybrid Car
  2. World Wide Web
  3. PC
  4. Cell phone
  5. Handheld calculator
  6. Liquid Paper
  7. Microwave oven
  8. Ballpoint pen
  9. Lie detector
  10. Model-T
  1. iPod

  2. CDs

  3. PC

  4. Walkman

  5. Color TV

  6. TV

  7. ENIAC

  8. Microwave

  9. Telephone

  10. Yeah, I know. I couldn’t think of a single thing.

The answers are gonna be all over the place.

They’ll be no matches except for the PC conch. A new record of some kind!

  1. Ipod
  2. GPS
  3. CD Player
  4. VHS
  5. ATM
  6. Microwave Oven
  7. Atom Bomb
  8. Televsion
  9. Hair Dryer
  10. Telephone

A lot of googling on this one, and some of the dates are iffy.

  1. iPod
  2. the internets
  3. portable telephone
  4. VCR/VHS
  5. handheld calculator
  6. transistor radio
  7. atomic bomb
  8. radar
  9. television
  10. telephone
  1. iphone
  2. mp3 player
  3. cell phone
  4. personal computer
  5. birth control pill
  6. home television
  7. radar
  8. phonograph records
  9. movies with sound
  10. telegraph
  1. DVRs
  2. Cellphones
  3. CD players
  4. Video players
  5. Microwave ovens
  6. TVs
  7. A-bombs
  8. Soup lines
  9. Radio stations
  10. Telegraph
  11. not so much a gizmo as a necessity.
  1. cell phone
  2. Pentium processor
  3. cell phone
  4. pong video game
  5. calculator
  6. modem
  7. a bomb
  8. nylons
  9. frozen food
  10. telegraph
  1. MP3 player
  2. Web browser
  3. Compact disc
  4. Microwave oven
  5. Color television
  6. Broadcast television
  7. Atomic bomb
  8. Vinyl records
  9. Sound motion pictures AKA “talkies”
  10. Camera

Several of these were invented earlier, but I’m going with when they seemed to go mainstream. For example, MP3 players were around in the mid 1990s, but didn’t really take off outside nerd circles until Apple’s marketing wizards made the iPod mandatory in 2001.

  1. iPod
  2. DVD player
  3. Compact Disc player
  4. Personal Computer
  5. Handheld calculator
  6. Color TV
  7. Ballpoint pen
  8. Electric Razor
  9. On-air commercial radio
  10. Incandescent light bulb

This was a tricky one. What is a “gizmo”? Also, often things “appeared” commercially a few years after they were invented. I look forward to my ranking in the lower '40s.

  1. e-ink ebook readers

  2. PDA

  3. Laptop computers

  4. handheld electronic calculators

  5. food processor

  6. nuclear powered submarines

  7. jet aircraft

  8. PCBs

  9. Zeppelins

  10. Locomotive

  11. I believe that this item actually began production in the 60s, but they really seemed to take off in the 70s.

  12. Developed for commercial use during the 60s, even though they didn’t get marketed to the home market til the 70s.

  13. Whaddya mean it’s too big to be a gadget! :wink:

  14. Technically not correct, since the first flight was in 1939, but it was during the 40s that jet flight became more prevalent.

  15. Hey, if you’ll accept a whole nuclear submarine as a single gadget, why not chemicals that are gadgets?

  16. Yes, I know that this is the wrong time frame, again. But the 20s were the the heyday of the zeppelin.

  1. MP3 player
  2. Cell phone
  3. Walkman
  4. Rubik’s cube
  5. Laser
  6. TV
  7. Slinky
  8. Electric razor
  9. Radio
  10. Camera
  1. iPhone
  2. DVD player
  3. Apple Macintosh
  4. VCR
  5. Cassette recorder
  6. Color TV
  7. Television
  8. Color film projection for movie theaters
  9. Radio
  10. Automobile
  1. iPOD
  2. Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver
  3. Compact Disc (CD)
  4. Mobile phone
  5. Laser
  6. Hovercraft
  7. Transistor
  8. Jet Engine
  9. Television
  10. Telegraph

(not sure whether we were going with products or actual inventions here, so my answers are a mix of both.)

  1. ipod
  2. cell phones
  3. CDs
  4. video games
  5. calculators
  6. transistor radio
  7. LPs (records)
  8. Television
  9. radio
  10. camera

Man, this was harder than it seemed at first glance! I was torn being going with decades when things were first invented as opposed to the decades where the average person would have been using it.

  1. Ipod
  2. DVD Player
  3. Personal Computer
  4. Video Games
  5. Calculator
  6. Television
  7. Nuclear Bomb
  8. Color Movies
  9. Talking Movies
  10. Telephone
    I know color movies predate 1930, but I tend to think of movies like Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz as the first really big color movies.
  1. ipod
  2. HDTV
  3. CD’s
  4. Internet
  5. Microwave Oven
  6. TV
  7. Atom Bomb
  8. Audio-Visual film
  9. Radio
  10. Electricity
  1. GPS
  2. Digital cameras
  3. mobile phones
  4. personal computers
  5. microwave ovens
  6. color television
  7. radar
  8. LP records
  9. “Talkies” (movies with sound)
  10. Photographic cameras