I saw the trailer for this movie while seeing Master and Commander (which sucked majorly). It looked interesting. Tornadoes through LA, and New York getting snowcapped. Only bad part is at the end where it says “From the makers of Independence Day.”
What do you all think?
I thought it looked stupid. And the “from the makers of Independence Day” is definitely a turn-off.
But then, I liked Master and Commander so I guess it’s always just a matter of taste. (Some of us have it.) 
But, but it has tsunamis striking New York and an Ice Age! How bad could it be?
Well, I remember seeing the previews for Independence Day and seeing the White House and a skyscraper and various other buildings and monuments blown apart and an explosion sending cars tumbling end over end down a city street and I thought “Wow, that looks AWESOME!”
And man, it sucked!
Ditto for Armageddon and Pearl Harbor and Volcano and various other “disaster” flicks.
Sorry, I don’t mean to sound so negative. I admit that I thought Deep Impact wasn’t bad.
And I usually watch these movies anyway, low expectations and all. Hell, I even watched The Core the other day.
Maybe The Day After Tomorrow will actually be good. 
Yeah, maybe it will be good.
And maybe monkeys will fly out of my arse.
Geez, you guys are tough.
I’m not pretending it’s a work of art. Some movies are meant to be serious, others, like Armageddon and Independence Day, are meant to be 2 hours of fun and entertainment.
I think TDAT will be one of the latter.
Count me as seeing it when it comes out.
Wow . . . I liked Independence Day.
So, The Day After Tomorrow isn’t the Allan Folsom book. Probably a good thing since it turns into a ‘They Saved Hitlers Brain!!!’ story.