The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities

How many times today, did you worry about all the things that are in in place, in case you need to go to the hospital for something bad?

Probally not a lot, because you already know we have all type of people in place, for those types of situations,if they should happen. but what do we have in place, if we have an out of body experience?

Nothing, and most people don’t even know what they are, but they happen everyday to some unexpecting person.

I don’t know about you, but it only takes me a second to tell if a new born is going to be a boy or a girl, but I have no clue when they are on those ultra sound machines, and I wished I had the money like Tom Cruise has, to be able to go out and buy his wife one of those machines.

Have you ever owned a machine?
Did it do what you wanted it to do?
Did you ever find something else it could do?
Wll they now hve a machine that can communicate with people’s electrical thoughts.
I believe I know how we can modify it, to do something that will change life as you know it.

well anyway, in 2005 a machine was introduced, that could communicate with people’s electrical thoughts, that by it self was great, but I believe we can use that same machine to communicate with future Out of body people in a way that can be measured.

It does not matter if you ever had an out of body experience or not, the inportant part, is that we have this machine in place, just in case it is possible.

I believe we live in a world where you have to expect the worst, so the worst never comes, and in doing that, you create back up plans, this is all I am talking about. a back up plan in case it is possible.

This machine and the system that goes in place with it, might sound strange to you right now, but this is something that has been around for a long time, we just have not had the technoligy before, as we do now.
Problem is, other countries have access to this same technoligy, and if we don’t start focusing on it, they will do it first.

You can’t win if you don’t play.

We have the machine, all we need to do now is turn on the machine, then we can talk about it more if you like. So if anybody has one a day from now, knows they have an opportunity to try and communicate back to humans agian.

So if you have an OBE, a near death experience, or an afterlife out of body situation, that we have a plan for you. You don’t have to do this plan, do what ever you want to do in that situation, but please give other people an option than the old Henry Ford Black.

I know some of you might be looking at this post like deer in headlights, but the bottom line before I answer any of your questions is this.

We already know that out of body people have electrical thoughts, we already know how to communicate with electrical thought, so why not have one of these machines on 24/7 for eternity, alway modifing the sensors and our approach to making it a reality, and give every person on earth an option. If they want to make fun of me because I believe his is a posibility, then they have the right, but still keep the machine on and allow me and I maybe others, the chance to see if it can be done, it’s not like it is going to cost that much, has to be cheaper han buying a tank. Would you like the opportunity to be bigger story than the Hellen Keller one. I don’t need a scientist to hold my Atari joystick, but I do need trained on the machine, then given some time share time at some point in my life.
They say on average that 250,000 people die everyday, and everybody else that is alive today, we surely be gone in the next 150 years, so why not have a back up plan?

Iggnorane is expensive, just like my spelling and grammer, but not my beliefs in this topic.

I tried to keep this as short as possible, so if you would like to know where I am comming from on this topic, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you,

Is this some sort of weird spam?

Reported, at any rate.

No this is not spam, it is just something that you just never think or talk about.

thank you,

Sounds like some sort of SF religion’s offering eternal life via a “machine”.


At the moment it sounds mostly like you’re trying to sell a service. If you want to do that, you will need to ask the moderators.

If you want to debate a topic (as would be assumed given that this is the debates forum) then you’re going to need to write in non-abstract, non-zen language. “We all know it, but it is hidden from us. You know the interconnectedness of the world…” etc. You may believe these statements and that we all secretly know what “it” is and are just hiding it from ourselves, but basing any debate on an assumption is bound to fail. Don’t assume we know what mystical, superscience thing it is you’re talking about. Spell it out in very dull, technical terms.

Some of us might want some other options, than just living in Pleasentville, because if you work real hard at inproving everyday, and you focus on something that raised you above Pleasentville, you just might want to go with the experience, and talk about the option.

Thank you,

You don’t know what I think about, or do not.

How about posting something substantial, instead of all this vague bullshit?

We do not generally entertain Stream of Consciousness musings, here, (this is a discussion board), and certainly not in Great Debates. We’ll let you try this out in Mundane Pointless Stuff I must Share for a bit.

(If this is a lead-in to the sale of a product or the promotion of something that will be sold, I advise you to just walk away, now, as we do not permit that sort of activity on this board.)

[ /Moderating ]

I can’t get, past the, cadence, of the OP. My brain, she is, getting all, a’splodey!

I would like to apply for a job at the DPOBP. Please send me an application form.

I like Pleasantville. Frodo’s is there. It’s a nice place to live.

I didn’t get to eat there this weekend, I had to go deal with my shotgun. Nothing like a brand new 40 year old Mossberg 500. Mmm.

So, you’re saying that you’re sure OOB experiences are real and like heaven? Why are you sure?

Are you talking about hupen-stupfen mehetabolisers?
I love those!!

Or : whatever you’re on, try to cut back.
It can’t be good for you.

If you search on this gentleman’s email address you may find a similar thread on another site from last month. The OP strikes me as sincere but misguided, hung up on pseudo-scientific mysticism, and largely disconnected from critical thought.

Tim, you will not find what you’re looking for on this site I’m afraid: we’re skeptical and you are not.

Is that the drug you need to buy to make the machine work?

I removed your e-mail address, Tim4848, because posting that right after posting this:

could lead people to think that you want them to e-mail you instead of talking about your thread on the board. We want you to keep discussion on the board unless you first ask a mod for permission to post an invitation; otherwise, we just view it as spam.

We’ll give you the benefit of doubt now, but I will say that you probably won’t find a appreciative audience here. But, I’ll let the other Dopers hash that out.

Thank you for setting me straight on where I need to post this type of topic.

I am not selling anything that I am aware of, and I would rather have interaction on this site about this topic, than getting a lot of different e-mails, so thank you for moving my topic.
This has nothing to do with drugs, and I wish I could give you an application for such a department, but we first have to create such a department first.

Everything in life takes it’s allotted amount time, and If you are interested I will try and explain more, when I have the time.

Thank you,

Please don’t just explain more. Explain more clearly.

what got me focused on this topic:

In 2005, one of my brother’s died unexpectly.

A couple of month’s later, I had this thought that it could be done.

At first I questioned it myself, and wrote it off, as somebody who just wanted to communicate with his brother again. During this time I was having all types of thoughts about the possibility, and less about my brother, so in one way it was taking my mind off of one thing. Then as the days went on, things started to fall into place, making me second guess if it could be done or not, like I remembered an Out of Body experience that I onced had, and a T.V. show that connected the to together.

I saw a show about Cyberkinetics ( They are into neurotechnology, and they made a machine called BrainGate, that allows people with spinal cord injuries, the opportunity to communicate with electrical thoughts only, then I took that information and connected it with the electrical thoughts I was having when I had my OBE.

Now I felt I had a connection, but I still felt I needed to research it even more, because it came to me to easy, and I am only as good as what I have to work with, and up to this point, that information was not very much.

I went back in history and try to find out why knowbody else had not already tried to do it, and I knoticed that curtain things had happened through out our history, that made people make more fun of it, than anything else. You can not do anything, if you do not take it seriously.

Thomas Edison believed it could be done, but the President at the time only made fun of it, and thomas Edison had already been burned onced before, trying to invent something for the goverment, just to find out they did not want it.

I don’t know if you noticed, but we are not really good at new changes, it usually takes extra effort by our President, to make it a reality.


Slavery = President effort
Race to the moon = President effort
Star wars technoligy = President effort

Then I stuied the science side of it, and even went to a science web site to get their openions, and I was expecting them to set me straight, but they did not.

So the reason I am at this site and many more, is to get the word out, and also listen for a good reason why we can’t do it, or should not do it, because we already have the machine, all we need to do now is focus on it like we do everything else.

I hope this explains a little bit more.

Thank you,

Oh. Well, that is clearer. I think I can put your mind at ease: don’t bother trying, it won’t work. There’s no good evidence that OBE’s and NDE’s are anything but purely psychological. No reputable, controlled and repeatable experiments have ever demonstrated that someone can project something out of their bodies, or that anything persists after death. All the available evidence that’s worth anything strongly suggests that once one is dead, that’s pretty much game, set and match. Certainly, no one has ever convincingly communicated with the dead, although you can find any number of ridiculous anecdotes to the contrary–however, try to fine even ONE that’s been done under double-blind, controlled conditions where no trickery is possible. You can’t, because there aren’t any. It’s understandable why we cling to such fairy tales, after all, people generally don’t want to face their own mortality and would like to believe that something of ourselves survives after death or that our lost loved ones still exist in some form. But, all the credible scientific evidence tells us that this is almost certainly wishful thinking on our part. Of course, I don’t expect to convince you; each of us has to make up his own mind about this sort of thing. Either you’ll continue to believe it in the utter absence of real evidence, or you won’t. I cannot. But, I’m ok with that; in fact, I think realizing that my life will one day end permanently and absolutely makes me appreciate living all the more.