How many times today, did you worry about all the things that are in in place, in case you need to go to the hospital for something bad?
Probally not a lot, because you already know we have all type of people in place, for those types of situations,if they should happen. but what do we have in place, if we have an out of body experience?
Nothing, and most people don’t even know what they are, but they happen everyday to some unexpecting person.
I don’t know about you, but it only takes me a second to tell if a new born is going to be a boy or a girl, but I have no clue when they are on those ultra sound machines, and I wished I had the money like Tom Cruise has, to be able to go out and buy his wife one of those machines.
Have you ever owned a machine?
Did it do what you wanted it to do?
Did you ever find something else it could do?
Wll they now hve a machine that can communicate with people’s electrical thoughts.
I believe I know how we can modify it, to do something that will change life as you know it.
well anyway, in 2005 a machine was introduced, that could communicate with people’s electrical thoughts, that by it self was great, but I believe we can use that same machine to communicate with future Out of body people in a way that can be measured.
It does not matter if you ever had an out of body experience or not, the inportant part, is that we have this machine in place, just in case it is possible.
I believe we live in a world where you have to expect the worst, so the worst never comes, and in doing that, you create back up plans, this is all I am talking about. a back up plan in case it is possible.
This machine and the system that goes in place with it, might sound strange to you right now, but this is something that has been around for a long time, we just have not had the technoligy before, as we do now.
Problem is, other countries have access to this same technoligy, and if we don’t start focusing on it, they will do it first.
You can’t win if you don’t play.
We have the machine, all we need to do now is turn on the machine, then we can talk about it more if you like. So if anybody has one a day from now, knows they have an opportunity to try and communicate back to humans agian.
So if you have an OBE, a near death experience, or an afterlife out of body situation, that we have a plan for you. You don’t have to do this plan, do what ever you want to do in that situation, but please give other people an option than the old Henry Ford Black.
I know some of you might be looking at this post like deer in headlights, but the bottom line before I answer any of your questions is this.
We already know that out of body people have electrical thoughts, we already know how to communicate with electrical thought, so why not have one of these machines on 24/7 for eternity, alway modifing the sensors and our approach to making it a reality, and give every person on earth an option. If they want to make fun of me because I believe his is a posibility, then they have the right, but still keep the machine on and allow me and I maybe others, the chance to see if it can be done, it’s not like it is going to cost that much, has to be cheaper han buying a tank. Would you like the opportunity to be bigger story than the Hellen Keller one. I don’t need a scientist to hold my Atari joystick, but I do need trained on the machine, then given some time share time at some point in my life.
They say on average that 250,000 people die everyday, and everybody else that is alive today, we surely be gone in the next 150 years, so why not have a back up plan?
Iggnorane is expensive, just like my spelling and grammer, but not my beliefs in this topic.
I tried to keep this as short as possible, so if you would like to know where I am comming from on this topic, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you,