I gave watching the full movie of 'The Room’a shot, and even with all the crazy plot points that ultimately go nowhere, I think knew of most of it from all the stuff I’ve seen online. I knew most of it a little TOO well as I would often re-watch a scene from the movie wondering what in the world Tommy was thinking, along with people around him.
I’ve read bits and pieces of the book, ‘The Disaster Artist’, but I’m… not much of a “book” guy. I’ll be honest. I read all the time… Just have to delegate other hobbies, and books piss me off sometimes. In any case, I’ll be interested to hear from you folks if the movie captures enough of the book, or if it’s too “abridged”, and the book is still worth a read.
One thing I DID learn was that the movie was pretty misogynistic. No offence, but I’m definitely NOT a so-called “snowflake” when it comes to this stuff, but even I can see some of Tommy’s inner-demons when it comes to women creep into this project. It makes it more intriguing actually, but some may feel differently.
I disagree that Franko isn’t a good actor. Quite honestly… I just think he and Seth Rogen can be lazy. Perhaps a little too stoned. 
As much as I’m personally trying to master Tommy’s accent, from what I’ve seen of the movie so far, and what I’ve seen of Wiseau, it seems as if Franko did more than his share of homework.
I can’t tell you why this movie interests me so much. Maybe I’m kind of rooting for an “underdog”, and I don’t just mean Wiseau, I mean Greg, Franco, Rogen, and lil’ Franko. (I like it when I’m pleasantly surprised by artists who branch out). It’s also inspiring to those who dream to create something and having it mean something, (even though in this case, the intended meaning wasn’t quite expected).
If only I could save up the cash to make my own film, but the computer industry is way too competitive.