The Dresden Files 25 March

What, no thread? I think the series is really picking up steam, and next week looks like a winner with the backstory of Harry and his uncle.

I really liked this episode, probably because I liked the character of Liz and her rapport with Harry.

I thought this episode was better than some of the previouse ones, but not as good as last weeks. I think they are still trying to find a balance in what they want. They don’t want to go too much into the heavy use of magic that Harry does because they don’t want the show to be to niche…but I think if they have too much, then it’s more like Supernatural than what the fans are looking for.

I liked this one too. I thought it was pretty funny. I didn’t much like Liz, though. I want him to establish that rapport with Murphy instead.

In the books, the “White Court” vampires are incubi/succubi, but on the show they didn’t talk about this incubus being a vampire.

I’m trying to remember if Butcher’s books talk much about ley lines (spelled “lay” in the closed captioning). Ley lines always make me think of Kim Harrison’s books - her witches use them as a power source.

With the episodes shown out of order, it’s like they’ve gone from Harry using hardly any magic at all, to him using way more casual magic than he uses in the books (like rearranging the letters on the door). The powerful stuff he is doing, like absorbing energy from the bomb, is great and is typical of book-Harry.

Looks like an interesting Bob episode next week.

I really enjoyed this episode. I watched it on the Sci-Fi channel little-bitty vision version because I missed it earlier. Claudia Black was great, but she was way more Murphy then Murphy. I doubt she will stick around. The Harry in class scene was marvelous. Bob’s glassy-eyed speech about fertility clinics was well accessorized by Harry’s “WTF?” expression. The story was fun, and I don’t really mind the differences between the book and TV universes. I only hope that my affection does not DOOM the series.

It was a fun little episode and I like Claudia Black. I also understand her character was supposed to be American, but her faltering attempt at sounding American was distracting. It would have been better to just let her speak in her own accent and let my suspension of disbelieve just assume she’s American. Or maybe just not try so hard.

I did like the fact that while Harry isn’t technically a PI, he’s nevertheless much better at it than someone who administers the test.

Ley lines featured in Proven Guilty, with Harrys building of Little chicago.

As to the incubus/sucubus I just assumed these were the real deal from Never Never as opposed to being a white court vamp.