:DAs inspired by this thread. Elizabeths are welcome one and all!
Ha, how timely. As I’ve griped many a time on the boards, I keep getting email for someone with my name. Turns out she goes by Liz. Liz’s boss couldn’t seem to figure out that I was trying to tell her she was emailing the wrong person until I informed her that I am, in fact, NOT a Liz.
I am Beth, merrily checking in.
Elizabeth here-- she of all nine letters and all four syllables.
When I worked at Sprint, there were two of us with my first and last name. Not only did we have the same name we also worked in the same business unit, although she was based in Dallas and I was at the headquarters in Kansas City. Our email protocol was first name.middle initial.last name @ sprint.com. Generally I got the mis-sent email since my middle initial is D and hers was further down the alphabet. I’d know it was for her because of the greeting (Liz instead of Elizabeth).
My last name is very common, so I often use my full middle name (my maiden name). It’s Czech and while short it’s very distinctive so that has been really helpful.
Elizabeth, Libby, Betsy and Bess
All went together to find a bird’s nest.
They found a nest with five eggs in it,
Each took one and left four in it.
My grandmother gave me a sampler with that poem on it (illustrated with a picture of four little girls in calico dresses and sun bonnets, it was the 1970s) to hang in my room when I was a little kid because my name is Elizabeth.
FOR YEARS, I agonized over that poem – it didn’t make any sense! Four girls … five eggs … there should be one egg left, not four. I was probably on my way to college when I realized that the “joke” is that it’s one girl, and those are all nicknames for Elizabeth. :smack: I wasn’t a very bright child.
Another Elizabeth here, but I never use it. Of course, it’s on all my legal things, like my license and professional certs, but no one calls me Elizabeth.
If I were out somewhere, and someone starting calling, “Elizabeth!” I wouldn’t even turn around. It would never occur to me that they might be calling to me.
- Betsey
Here in Tucson there is a Lois Club. A club for people named Lois. I read about it several years ago and it’s a little piece of information that I like to tell people about. I ask every Lois I meet if they are a member. I’ve never had one say yes until just yesterday, when I finally met an actual member of the Lois Club!