In this thread, ST: Voyager: what were the best and worst episodes? - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board, we’ve gotten sidetracked a bit in discussing whether or not Capt. Janeway acted ethically in ordering Tuvix back into the transporter so that Tuvok and Neelix could resume their independent existences, necessarily ending Tuvix’s.
Here’s Memory Alpha on the episode: Tuvix (episode) | Memory Alpha | Fandom
And here’s what other Dopers have said up to now:
**aceplace57 **
A lot of fans wanted to keep the Tuvix character and dump Neelix/Tuvok. He was actually more interesting.
I personally have issues with the decision to terminate/murder Tuvix. Like it or not he was a distinict individual. A new life created by an accident. I’m not sure it was right to kill him to “save” Neelix/Tuvok.
One of my least favorite Janeway moments.
**Laudenum **
Loved Tuvix - Janeway as implacable evil.
Mr. Excellent
Agreed. The Federation is a society without the death penalty, and here is Janeway sending a Security team to march an innocent man to his death. The thing that adds a layer of tragedy to the horror is that the innocent man is also a genuinely good guy - he understands the calculus that Janeway is making, and part of him even agrees with it, but he still wants to live. So he walks to his death with a modicum of dignity, but he’s still frightened and saddened by the last walk.
**Uosdwis R. Dewoh **
I disagree. I think Janeway did the right thing. Tuvix had no right to live at the cost of two other lives. Sure he was a good guy, but Neelix and Tuvok were good guys too. Tuvix casually dismisses Tuvok’s and Neelix’s rights by saying they live on in him, but one could make the opposite point that Tuvix will live on in Neelix and Tuvok. In the end, two lives saved is better than one.
Elendil’s Heir
Janeway had a very tough call with Tuvix, but I think she made the right one, as Uosdwis stated.
Captain Amazing
First of all, this is the first time I’ve ever heard either Neelix or Tuvok described as “good guys”. But beyond that, both of them were already gone. Tuvix was alive, he was sentient, he was intelligent, and Janeway killed him in her attempt to bring back to life two dead crew members.
This is basically my take as well… but even if Neelix and Tuvok weren’t “already dead”, it wouldn’t matter. It isn’t morally acceptable to murder one innocent person to save two others. If it were, you’d be justified in murdering someone just so they could “donate” their organs.
In what way are they not good guys? Neelix is incredibly annoying, but he’s definitely good.
An accident caused two crew members to get melded into one. The two crew members were not dead, or they couldn’t have been separated from Tuvix. Janeway letting Tuvix ‘live’ would have been telling her crew that she’s not going to look out for him when they’re in trouble.
Laudenum (responding to Uosdwis)
Except that they left Tuvix exist for weeks, making friends, new relationships etc…
By the time he was killed, he was another person.
…then go to post 57 here:
What do you think?