I have recieved a letter purported to have been authored by a summer camper last year.
I quote exactly as the child wrote to her parents.
Dear Mom and Dad, I had a fucking fine trip to the town where we were picked
up by a fucking big van that had a fucking handsome driver. We were driven to a fucking beautiful camp-site beside a fucking gorgeous lake and the counselor
led us to a fucking huge dining hall where we had the fuckingest great dinner.
I love this fucking place !
Hope you are the same.
Your Baby Girl (name withheld)
Exactly. It is simply being used as an intensifier. You could substitute other words such as wicked, bloody, beastly, smashingly, and so on, none of which would be used in the sense of their primary meaning.
Of course, those wouldn’t shock dear mom and dad so much and hence would not be so useful.
I don’t know about this “fuckingest”, it seems rather awkward to me. She’d have done better to write “a fucking great dinner” or “the fucking greatest dinner”.
I think the word is used to provide extreme emphasis to a feeling or reaction or turn of events. Like, for instance, if you wrote a private letter to your parents and somebody posted it on a web site, you might use the word to express your dismay.