The Feud: Famous Monograms by twickster [Game Over]



2. Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

  1. Formatting rules:

If they are not followed, your answers might be DISQUALIFIED.

  1. answer
  2. answer
  3. answer
  4. answer

Make your list look like the one above. No double spacing. No urls. No periods (except for the one following the number.) No quote marks, no punctuation if it is not necessary! No smilies! No extraneous bs is allowed. If you feel you must qualify your answer, do it AFTER THE LIST!

The reason this is so important is because I cut and paste all the answers, and I have to edit each answer to make them identical. It is a lot of work, so please make it easier on me. Thanks.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me. (I’ve quit maintaining The List.) If anyone wants to run their own Feud, feel free. I will help any way I can.

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or when I get time to score it.

Good luck!

Read the rules! :slight_smile:

  1. Name someone whose initials are A.A.
  2. Name someone whose initials are B.B.
  3. Name someone whose initials are C.C.
  4. Name someone whose initials are D.D.
  5. Name someone whose initials are H.H.
  6. Name someone whose initials are J.J.
  7. Name someone whose initials are L.L.
  8. Name someone whose initials are M.M.
  9. Name someone whose initials are R.R.
  10. Name someone whose initials are S.S.
  1. Adam Ant
  2. Bob Barker
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Don Dokken
  5. Henry Hyde
  6. Jimmie Johnson
  7. Lex Luthor
  8. Matthew McConaughey
  9. Roy Rodgers
  10. Stuart Scott

ETA: 1. Also, my dad and brother :slight_smile:

  1. Alan Alda
  2. Barbara Bush
  3. Chevy Chase
  4. David Duchovny
  5. Herbert Hoover
  6. Jesse jackson
  7. Lucy Liu
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Robert Redford
  10. Susan Sarandon
  1. Alan Alda
  2. Brigitte Bardot
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Doris Day
  5. Hubert Humphrey
  6. James Joyce
  7. Lindsey Lohan
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Roy Rogers
  10. Sharon Stone

Your dad and your brother are named Adam Ant? :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Alan Alda
  2. Bob Barker
  3. Charlie Chaplin
  4. David Duchovney
  5. Harry Houdini
  6. Joe Jackson
  7. Larry Linville
  8. Mickey Mantle
  9. Roy Rogers
  10. Stephen Speilberg
    Looking over the list, I see there are no females. FTR I thought of Joan Jett, Louise Lasser, and Susan Sarandon but I thought my male answers where better.

For number 8, my first thought was Mickey Mouse. And my first thought for #5 was Hubert Humphrey.

I was gonna say Hubert Humphrey, too! I changed it. :smack:

I think this will be a low scoring Feud, to be honest. Too many people out there! :smiley:

  1. Amy Adams
  2. Brigitte Bardot
  3. Coco Chanel
  4. Dave Davies
  5. Howard Hughes
  6. Jesse James
  7. Lex Luthor
  8. Mitch Miller
  9. Robert Redford
  10. Sylvester Stallone
  1. Arthur Ashe
  2. Bobby Brown
  3. Christopher Cross
  4. Dudley Dooright
  5. Howard Hughes
  6. Janet Jackson
  7. Larry Lujack
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Ronald Reagan
  10. Sissy Spacek
  1. Archie Andrews
  2. Bridgit Bardot
  3. Chris Comumbus
  4. David Duke
  5. Hubert Humphry
  6. Jesse Jackson
  7. Lindsy Lohan
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Roy Rogers
  10. Susan Sarandon
  1. Arthur Ashe
  2. Betty Boop
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Dom DeLuise
  5. Hugh Hefner
  6. Janis Joplin
  7. Lois Lane
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Rachel Ray
  10. Stephen Spielberg
  1. Alan Arkin
  2. Brigitte Bardot
  3. Charlie Chaplin
  4. David Duchovny
  5. Hubert Humphrey
  6. Janet Jackson
  7. Lindsay Lohan
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Robert Redford
  10. Sylvester Stallone
  1. Ansel Adams
  2. Bob Barker
  3. Calvin Coolidge
  4. David Duchovny
  5. Herbert Hoover
  6. Jesse Jackson
  7. Louis Lamour
  8. Mickey Mouse
  9. Ricky Ricardo
  10. Suzanne Somers

I wonder if everyone else’s lists are going to jump around from genre to genre as much as mine has. Politics, cartoon characters, a writer, an artist, quite a few television personalities.

  1. Arthur Ashe
  2. Beetle Bailey
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Dick Dastardly
  5. Herbert Hoover
  6. Janet Jackson
  7. Lucy Lawless
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Roy Rogers
  10. Sam Spade
  1. Arthur Ashe
  2. Betty Buckley
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Doris Day
  5. Hubert Humphrey
  6. Janet Jackson
  7. Lindsay Lohan
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Ronald Reagan
  10. Steven Spielberg
    Oooooh … this is going to be veddy interesting!
  1. Adam Ant

  2. Bob Barker

  3. Clarence Clemmons

  4. David Duchovny

  5. Hubert Humphrey

  6. J. Jonah Jameson

  7. L.L. Bean

  8. Marilyn Monroe

  9. Ronald Reagan

  10. Sam Spade

  11. His middle initial was “H.,” too - for Horatio!

  12. For “Leon Leonwood,” acc. to Wiki

  13. Conch!

  1. Ansel Adams
  2. Bob Barker
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. David Duchovny
  5. Herbert Hoover
  6. Jim Jones
  7. Lois Lane
  8. Mike Myers
  9. Rebecca Romjin
  10. Susan Sarandon
  1. Adam Ant
  2. Barry Bonds
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Dirk Diggler
  5. Harry Houdini
  6. Jack Johnson
  7. Lucy Liu
  8. Michael Moore
  9. Roger Rabbit
  10. Soupy Sales
  1. Alan Alda
  2. Bob Barker
  3. Chris Cornell
  4. Dom Deloise
  5. Howard Hughes
  6. Jim Jones
  7. Lois Lane
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Richie Rich
  10. Steven Spielburg
  1. Anne Archer
  2. Betty Boop
  3. Cindy Crawford
  4. Donald Duck
  5. Howard Hughes
  6. Janet Jackson
  7. Linda Lavin
  8. Marilyn Monroe
  9. Roger Rabbit
  10. Sam Spade

I am hoping like hell these goofy answers get matches!! :slight_smile: