Object of the game:
Give the most popular answer for each category.
- No reading the thread before answering. This is on the honor system. NEW NOTE: If you’re not sure if a game is full, PM me .You’re always good to go if it’s on the first page.
- Formatting rules must be followed (see below).
- Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.
- Google (etc.) is allowed, if you desire.
- The game will end with a maximum of 50 entrants, and I will score it when I have time available.
- There is no Rule 6.
- Special Rules for this particular Feud: See below
Formatting rules:
To make semi-automated scoring possible, and my job easier, make your post look exactly like this:
- answer
- answer
- answer
- answer
No double spacing, do not use the “list” function, no smilies, no urls, no periods, no quote marks, and no punctuation if it is not necessary. Put “pass” if you want to leave an answer blank. If you feel you must qualify your answer, do it AFTER THE LIST! If you don’t format like this, your answers might be DISQUALIFIED.
An answer with a match is worth 2 points. If 4 people match, they each get 8 points for that answer. No matches = 0 points. Anyone who responds to a question with two answers will only have the first one counted as their answer.
Good luck!
If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me. If anyone wants to run their own Feud, feel free. I will help any way I can.
Read the rules!
Special Rules for this particular Feud: Read the questions carefully. Some answers are in the body, some are only in the title. Remember, no quotes please.
- Name a song or title that contains someone’s age, besides ‘At Seventeen’ by J. Ian.
- Name a song that has whistling in it.
- Name a song title that contains the word “street.”
- Name a song with the word “dog” in the song or the title.
- Name a song where the title is in the form of a question.
- Name a song with a number in the title. (Not ‘At Seventeen’!)
- Name a song or title that contains the word ‘work’ - or a form of the word.
- Name a song that features a cowbell. (Not ‘Don’t Fear the Reaper’ - that has enough cowbell!
- Name a song or title that mentions hair or a hairstyle. (Not ‘Hair’ from the musical.)
- Name a song title with “money” or a form of money, like dollar. (Not ‘Money’ by Pink Floyd.)