The Final :30

Zac Romero used to do mini movie reviews called “The Final :30”(You can find them on You Tube under “Horrible Horrors”) where he would take a movie he had never seen before, watch the final 30 minutes of it, then decide if he wanted the watch the movie from the beginning or(as he once put it) “fight giant fire ants”. Over all, a fun series of reviews.
Have you ever caught the ass-end of a movie then, based on what you saw, decide to watch it from the beginning?

Back forever ago, have to look it up… apparently 27 years, wow, I went with some friends to see Nightmare Before Christmas.

We were a couple minutes late for the showing, but then got turned around and went into the wrong theater. The movie was already playing. Thinking that we had just missed the previews and it had just started, we sat, and watched about the last 30 minutes or so of it. We were fairly confused as what was going on, and to how short it was.

Ended up having to go back the next weekend by myself to watch it from the beginning. Wasn’t that great a movie, but it really bothered me that I had seen only the tail end of it.

Not a movie, but I also caught the last few minutes of Train Job when it first aired. I ended up having to pirate that in order to see the beginning of it.

About Romero’s “The Final :30”
What is The Final 30? - YouTube

Thanks, was hoping for a link.

I had a boss who casually dropped, into an all-hands work meeting, the comment “Oh, I always read the ending of a murder mystery first.”

The entire auditorium erupted. Not sure we ever got around to business.

When I was growing up, in the 50’s and early 60’s, my family would usually go for movies to 2nd-run houses which showed a double feature plus some kind of shorts (cartoons, usually). Both parents worked and we didn’t have time to fit ourselves into the schedule, so we would go as soon as we could after dinner, sit down in the middle of one of the features, watch it and the other feature, and then the beginning of the first feature. I think this was not uncommon at the time, witness the phrase “this is where we came in,” and that’s when we would leave.

Only tangential to your question, sorry. I suspect there are instances where I have come into the middle of a movie on TV, and then watching the whole thing some other time, but I don’t remember ever searching one out as you describe.

Got home last night, turned on the telly and caught the last 20 or so minutes of Rise Of The Guardians. Normally I don’t check out cutesy movies about Santa or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy or the Sandman, and this one and them all…but damn, the story held, the animation was beautiful and the voicework was excellent. When it was over I hit On Demand and watched it from the beginning, and I was glad I did.

I dunno about the last 30, specifically. But I’ve come in at various points at several movies where I had to remove myself from the situation so I could watch the whole thing from the beginning.

One such movie in particular was Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive. I walked into my friends’ dorm room during the “I kick ass for the lord!” scene and promptly excused myself to not sully the rest of it until I could watch it from the beginning.

That’s just a little unclear as to what this could be. As a huge Firefly fan, what comes to MY mind is the series premiere and/or second episode of the TV series Firefly.


That’s exactly what it was.

Saw some promos for it, was only mildly interested, it looked like a pretty cheesy sci-fi. Had made a mental note to check it out.

It was somewhere in the :40’s when I remembered it was on, so turned it on right before the last commercial break, saw the tail end of the fight. Thought it was just interesting enough to stick through the commercials and see the last scene. Had me hooked ever since.