How is Santa rich? He doesn’t get paid for his services or anything. Maybe he made himself a gadget that can make money reproduce itself for Christmas?
You think he can maintain a manufacturing and delivery organization of that size without incredible personal wealth? (Or huge government subsidies? Hmmmm, maybe this explains the deficit?)
Entertaining, but it loses points with me for the inclusion of Lucius Malfoy. It feels like an obligatory “we gotta get some Harry Potter in there” move.
I don’t think Cruella is all that rich.
I’m sure there are plenty more comic book characters that are really rich. Tony Stark? Was he the original Iron Man? The guy owned Star Labs. And Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) was rich wasn’t he?
I bet Wonder Woman is worth a lot. She’ll inherit an Island someday.
But of course George Baily is the richest man in town.
Sorry, Casper and Richie are 2 different people. They met a few times. I am pretty sure that Richie also met Wendy, the Good Little Witch, but I don’t think he ever met Hot Stuff, the Littlest Devil.
And while I do agree that Richie is the richest boy in the world, his dad is even richer. Otherwise he would not be able to afford Richie’s allowance. And I believe that Bruce Wayne is richer than Lex Luthor in current continuity, even before he became an outlaw.
Scrooge McDuck is a quadzillionaire. Are they honestly telling me that five fictional people have more money than that? Burns is super-rich, but I’ve never heard him say he’s anything more than a billionaire.
I suppose Santa is #1 because he probably lists himself as a religious organization, a charity, and an endangered species preserve (flying reindeer) for tax purposes, lists all the children of the world as dependants, and doesn’t pay his elves. He must be pulling it in hand over fist.
Ridiculous- McDuck somehow took swims a pile of gold larger than the sum of all the gold ever mined in history. Now that’s rich. What did Warbucks have, a big house? Last time I saw the place it looked like it was made of painted plywood and wasn’t even that structurally sound. The whole “mansion” fit on a stage. And Bruce Wayne could hire Jed to clean his cement pond.
In comics, is Lex inarguably wealthier than Bruce? Serious question.
And Thurston Howell didn’t even have enough money to book a longer cruise on a sturdier boat, or have a private helicopter get him off that freaking island! No way is he richer than the “billionaire playboy” who just happens to have enough money to buy all of Batman’s stuff.