The fraud that is right wing populism

I’m really fed up of Republicans in Washington acting like they’re the true representatives of the working class against the dastardly elite!

We’re about to conclude four years of a New York so-called billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, inherited everything from his daddy, lived in a literal ivory tower with golden toilets and whose spent his whole life conning people.

Now it’s time for his successor in the party here’s a few of the hits by some of the contenders:

Marco Rubio

“Biden’s cabinet picks went to Ivy League schools, have strong resumes, attend all the right conferences & will be polite & orderly caretakers of America’s decline. I support American greatness. And I have no interest in returning to the “normal” that left us dependent on China”

Ivy League schools are a bad thing? Well in that case it’s a good thing for Marco that the Biden-Harris ticket was the first major party ticket since Mondale-Ferraro in 1984 to not feature an Ivy League alumni. And they unseated Donald Trump who did in fact go to an Ivy League school. Strong resumes? Well yeah, I’d rather have an experienced diplomat who spent years understanding the details and complexities than Biden’s son-in-law fly around the world trying to represent the country. Jared Kushner incidentally is also a product of nepotism and inheritance he went to Harvard.

Ted Cruz

“Today’s Dems are the party of the rich. GOP is and should be the party of the working class.”

There’s one problem with this statement. The data does not back it up.

Tom Cotton

This guy is what Trump would be had he been competent. Cotton actually believes in grievance politics as a virtue to govern whereas Trump just uses it because he’s thin-skinned and can’t accept criticism. The good thing is Tom Cotton makes Mike Pence look charismatic. Someone so boring isn’t going to get the MAGA crowd revved up towards shadowy figures and conspiracies to fight against. But still the fact that 250,000 Americans are dead, cases and hospitalizations are rising, stimulus negotiations are not moving and this is what he prioritizes on the floor of the US Senate. He has a long running obsession with the 1619 Project over at the New York Times and frankly it’s embarrassing.

And finally the biggest fraud of them all…

Josh Hawley

“Let me explain this to you. Corporate liberals are woke capitalists. The corporatists love critical race theory and all the other warmed-over Marxist garbage. They sell out working Americans and sneer at them at the same time. That’s the New Left”

This man who went to an expensive prep school, Yale and Stanford, headed a college chapter of the Federalist Society, worked at one of the biggest law firms, did clerk work for John Roberts and now a US senator for Missouri who in his campaign blasted the Dem incumbent as out of touch for spending more time living in DC than Missouri … even though now Hawley lives in Virginia and does not have an address in Missouri. This is a guy accusing others of being elitist. What a joke.

Besides, how can the Democratic Party simultaneously be ushering in socialism (“they’re going to eliminate private health insurance!!”) while also in bed with corporations? What does critical race theory have to do with Janet Yellen, a 74 year old white lady and ex Federal Reserve Chair, being appointed Treasury Secretary?

Hawley has ticked all the buzzwords. But examine his record and he’s everything he rails against. It’s just when the GOP does it (tax cuts, corporate experienced appointments, not wanting to pass stimulus if it goes to blue states) it’s all good for him and his ilk.

These guys might borrow phrases from Noam Chomsky but they are total frauds. Right wing populism is the new Compassionate conservatism. Newly packaged lines but the same outcome.