The French and Suppositories?

Does anybody have any facts and figures on the French use of suppositories for medical purposes? For - would you believe - business purposes, I have been searching for these on the Web and been unable to find accurate or credible figures.

I know that while the British and the Dutch prefer pills to cure most ailments and the Germans take an injectio, the French - so legend has it - prefer suppositories.

So, does anyone know how many of these things they use a year?

How do you know any of this? Can you link to a site? Can you give any more info?

The evidence is largely anecdotal but here is just one of many sites in which non-French people are surprised to be prescribed a supository for something as simple as a sore throad.

A pharmacist once told me that a suppository is a surprisingly quick and effective way of getting drugs into the blood stream. Given the choice, I’d rather have a pill.

Damn! Where can I get some of these sore-throat healing butt-pills? Given a sufficiently bad sore throat, I’d shove a pineapple up my ass to make it feel better.


I hate swallowing with a sore throat, and I get a good round of strep very year=(

He he… but does anyone have access to any statistics about suppository usage in France at all?

Well, fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong . . .