The French Toast MMP

I must be special or something.
I got an email from the United Nations and one from the FBI.

My throat is still sore and scratchy, and I’m sneezing a lot. Don’t know if it is a cold or sinus.

What annoys me are the restaurants that can’t grasp the difference between French toast and a Monte Cristo sandwich.

Yes, they both involve bread that’s dipped in egg batter and then grilled. But French toast is a sweet dish. A Monte Cristo is a savory dish. There should not be sugar or vanilla in the Monte Cristo egg batter. And it should not be served with jelly or syrup. It’s a ham and cheese sandwich not a waffle.

I just got an email from AAA saying my car is due for its 78K mile service. Um, last week, it was in the shop for its 150K mile service. AAA don’t know me very well, do they??


Luckily I have no class at any time. :wink:

Don’t be down on yourself, **ruble **- low class is still class… :wink:

I have phone calls to make today and I don’t feel like making any of them. I’m a bit grumpy and don’t want to talk to real humans on the other end of the line. Unfortunately, these calls require real interaction with real people.

When all else fails, take a nap.

Well, I spoke slightly too soon about the car; they went to put the new bulb in and discovered that the it wasn’t the bulb that was broken, it was the setting. It’s only an extra £20 and a quick job to switch, but they need to order the specific part in, so it won’t be fully done 'til Thursday. Oh well.

Reminds me of a corporate training that i went to once, and they kept talking about how our brand was “quality”. All I could think of was, “yes, but what Kind of quality.” :smack:

The movers are here! The movers are here! My adventure continues. Wheeee.

Howdy Y’all! Da cave is defilthyfied and all is well. 'Tis hawt and hyoooooomid out. Ham steaks, flytrap’s favorite succotash, and scalloped N.O.T. (made by me) shall be supped upon. It shall be an early even for us sup as I have to be over to the church house at six.

ETA: sunny re movin’, I hope all goes well and, better thee than me. :smiley:

Also, for those who enjoy such things, Rebo has started a new feud over in the game room. Fun! Actually in thread games.

Nut and Boofae Not to quick there. There is a hurricane that is showing it is headed straight to England. Look at the ensemble models for Helene.
My clerk’s dad did pass. I feel bad for my clerk. They were on the way but did not quite make it in time.
Long slow day today. Still two more hours.
Hang in there Doooggggiiioooooooo

I got up early this morning for my psychiatrist appointment. Eventually got home after hitting up a few other places on the way back.

Got home, conked out for a bit too long. I had made plans to chat with a friend at 2 today. So I woke up, and tried to start up my computer, but was having serious computer problems! Then I woke up for real and realized that the computer problems were just a dream! I woke up in time for my (actual, real-life) chat with my friend, and we’re chatting now.

Not heard about that one. I don’t worry til the Met office does.

If it hits next week, I ain’t gonna be here anyway. Though I’m very close to the South coast, and I’d rather have a house to come back to.

Anything headed for Italy? I just checked the forecast there, I think I’m gonna roast… I was expecting it’d be cooling down by the end of September, but apparently not.

I made a quick stop at Food Lion on the way home and the place was packed!!! People had carts full of bottled water. I think it’d be cheaper to buy a couple of pitchers and fill them from the tap…

We’re going to make sure we’ve got gas for the generator, but beyond that, no biggie.

I used to not understand the stock-up or get out mentality before hurricanes. We had devastating storms, but tornadoes don’t give the same kind of warning that a hurricane gives; there is no stocking up the day before in case a tornado hits. It just hits, maybe with enough warning to get into the basement. Then, as a young adult, I got snowed in for 3 days. Feet upon feet of snow, no one shoveling or plowing the parking lot of my apartments, etc. A nearby apartment’s roof caved in under the weight of snow. Cars were damaged by ice and high winds. While I know that a massive blizzard ain’t no hurricane in terms of devastation, I finally get the mindset. Now, when I see a blizzard coming, I make sure I have some water in case pipes freeze, food for the kiddos, and enough diapers to get through. (I got dangerously close once during a blizzard… I almost walked a mile and a half to CVS to get more until I remembered the half dozen in the diaper bag.)

I won’t drink the tap water here, it smells awful, and it’s city water.

I took a nap, I feel like crap.
How does one catch a cold when one hasn’t been anywhere around people to pick up the germs?
I still haven’t ordered groceries nor made a single phone call.
I’m seriously thinking about calling in sick to irk tonight.

I once visited a town called Asbestos (yeah, unfortunately named,) and the tap water there smelled like farts. But it actually agreed with my insides. When I travel somewhere and drink the tap water, it can be a bit of a crapshoot. Sometimes in more ways than one.

The tapwater in Jacksonville, FL, reeks of sulfur. It’s disgusting. We mostly had wells when we lived there.

Roxy is snoozing. She was fussy and I took her outside and she calmed down, then dozed off. I’ll wake her in about an hour for her pre-bedtime bottle. If I let her sleep thru now, she’ll be up at 3. I can’t do that to SIL.

Motherhood is a lot of work!! That’s why menopause exists!

Juliet, Have you considered ananchored baby gate, or even two, so he won’t just climb over? My folks put one at the top of their stairway door when their grandkids were small.

Mooooom, I just received a service due email for my recently totaled Toyota from the dealership. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the OP, like metal mouse, we’ll just get a metric shit ton of rain from Florence. I reserve French toast shopping for snow flurry forcasts. :stuck_out_tongue:

I booted up my 'puter at irk this morning and it gave the update warning. Fifteen minutes later, it said that the update was unsuccessful and went into a reversal loop. My boss was off today and we are no longer allowed to put in service tickets on our own, so I had to wait until my manager came in. It took about an hour to get everything set up on the crappy guest computer in the department and I still couldn’t get music through my headset to drown out the chatty cow-orker next to me. The tech came right before lunch. :smack:

So goes my Monday.

I think I mentioned breaking the lid to one of Wifey’s canisters. I made the mistake of mentioning that I could make another lid on the lathe. I expected her to demur. She didn’t. :smack: It’s not that I don’t like lathe work. I do. It’s very zen. but now I have to find a big enough piece of scrap wood, hopefully something pretty, and then clear off all the assorted crap that has accumulated in front of the lathe, and then actually do it.

I thought I had more to say. I guess not.

I likes french toast.

Howdy Y’all! Home from Vestry meetin’ over to the church house. Actually been home about twenty minutes. I have pondered a great thought. It’s always an agenda item to approve the minutes of the last meetin’. If the minutes were not approved, does that mean the meetin’ didn’t happen? Would we have to meet to decide about the stuff we decided on at the meetin’ with the disapproved minutes? Would there be an irreparable tear in the space-time continuum? Could one unapproved minutes from a prior meetin’ cause the downfall of all humanity? The mind boggles!

Feel free to ponder further. Or not. It’s really a willy-nilly kind of ponder.