Back in 1992 my father had our home’s big southeast facing windows coated on the inside with a plastic-type adhesive transparent film with a bit of a tint to it, which was advertised as filtering out the UV rays which would fade the furniture, etc.
It seemed to do its job adequately, and still seems to be doing so. It’s not peeled away, become discolored, or had any noted change in effectiveness (not that we’d necessarily notice).
But as my wife is now redecorating the place (which we took over back in 1995) she wonders if the film needs replacing. We’ve no idea what the film is called, made of, made by, etc.
I’d rather avoid it if possible, but if it does become less effective at blocking the sun’s UV rays, I suppose we should consider replacing/upgrading.
Anyone have info on whether this general sort of material from circa 1992 had any loss of ability to filter UV over time?