Rather than hijack the giant robots thread any further, I’ll start this one here. Yes, for the year 2001 we live in a rather mundane world. Among the things we don’t have:
-Autonomous robots or true A.I.
-Cost effective SSTs, commercial suborbital flight, vacations in space, a moonbase, or manned expeditions to Mars.
-Flying cars or moving sidewalks.
-cheap, clean nuclear energy
Of course, on the other hand, we also don’t have:
-WW3, nuclear holocaust, or a 99% death rate global plague.
-Totalitarian one-world state, mass mind control, or a society run by (not “with”) computers.
-Runaway population explosion with mass starvation and the death of the world’s ecosystem (not yet anyway.)
We do now have (or are just starting):
An tunnel under the English Channel
cloning of humans
genetic engineering
commercially available flat-screen t.v.'s
surgical body modification (Lasik, etc.)
And we never even thought we’d have:
-personal computers for everyone
-a global computer network that’s not government controlled!
In summation: Life is a bit lousier in some ways and better in other ways than it used to be; but it is neither as great or as lousy as some people thought it might be.