The FUX Network Does It Again!


Yep, not like this is going to be a huge shock to us fans but…

After cancelling THE TICK–

After screwing around with FUTURAMA’s schedule until Matt Groening himself couldn’t find it with GistTV and a satellite dish the size of the Arecibo telescope–

After cancelling MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, its flagship series, without letting it shoot a final concluding ep after eleven years and letting its stars find out the fact on the radio–

–a Jossverse-oriented board I hang out on just got word from producer Tim Minear himself (yes, it’s definitely him, he’s a regular) that the episode of FIREFLY they’re shooting now will be the last one. They’ll finish production on the ones they’ve shot, and Fox will show them whenever the hell they feel like it to burn them off, and that’s it. Don’t know how many are left, etc., the news is still sinking in.

:confused: :mad:

Look, it wasn’t the second coming but it was a damn. good. show. Why the FUCK did you have to put it on Fridays at eight, when even someone as lame as me has a life?? Why ignore the pilot (a two-hour one that ironically will be the last regularly scheduled show, Dec. 20) and make the first ep America saw one of the lamer action-oriented ones? Why start it right before baseball playoffs so it was jerked off the air for two weeks as soon as it started? Why give it all the promotional budget of a Korean animation slave’s salary? Why not show reruns during sweeps?

Why break the fan’s hearts? Again?

Anyway, please watch it tomorrow night and Friday the 20th. I think it could have been a fun journey.

Mal, Wash, Zoe, Kaylee, Book, Simon, River, Jayne, and Inara–keep flying, folks, keep flying.



It was doomed from the start, of course; a brilliant, innovative, witty, strange and charming show… on FOX.


Then they have that show where they convince a bunch of shallow women that a guy who makes 20k a year is worth 50 million. I forget what it’s called.

I don’t know what’s worse: that people would participate in such a stunt or the soulless fucker who thought that bullshit up.

Oh yeah, I’ve seen about fifty ads for it for every one I’ve seen for poor FIREFLY.

Ironically, we fans put an ad in daily VARIETY on December 9.


To this date I still have not seen one ad for Firefly. Not one radio broadcast, not one tv commercial, not one 10 second promo. Nothing.

Had it not been for the SDMB I would have never even heard of this show.
So it is with great regret that I must blame each and every one of you, because now I’m sad and if it hadn’t been for you all forcing me to watch this show I wouldn’t have even known what I’ll be missing when they pull it off the air.

Why, Ender, I always knew where I could see a technicolor, rip-roarin’, 15-30 second ad of each and every new FIREFLY–right after the end of the FIREFLY I’d just watched!

Annoying to be sucked in for such a short ride, I agree, but it’ll be like Camelot. One brief shining moment and all that jazz.

FOX is the only place the show had a chance.

Had it been on the big 3, they’ve had cut it to 1/2 hour and added a laugh track - with the occasional “very special episode” thrown in.

I’m too scared to imagine what it would have been on WB or UPN.

No other network would have given it a shot.

:mad: FUXXORS :mad:

It’s the only decent new show of this season. I think 90% of all TV sucks moose cock so when a show as intelligent, witty and original as Firefly appears, my hopes are lifted, if only for a short time. It also makes it that much harder when they’re inevitably dashed against the rocks of coporate stupidity.

Hodge (off to watch his increasingly large backlog of DVDs)

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I’m tired of Fox screwing up my favorite shows. All the shows you mentioned had loads of promise, and got cocked up!

The Tick - It got turned into a stupid ultra low budget sitcom 2 episodes in. On top of it, they couldn’t even keep their damn story straight, I guess they aired the shows out of order, which is oh so good for continuity. I mean, in one episode Arthur finds a girl, and the next episode, he’s single again. On top of it, there was no crime for The Tick to fight, I kept asking “where are the fucking villians?”

Futurama - At least they had the intelligence to put it on the same night as the Simpsons. That intelligence ended when it came to giving it a timeslot that wasn’t CONSTANTLY pre-empted by football. It was pre-empted or cut into at least 2 weeks out of 3. I loved that show, and now I can barely watch it when it IS on, I feel so out of touch.

MWC… they did let it go for 11 years, but the ending of the show was pretty low class.

Now we get to add Firefly to the list of screwups. No 2hr premiere, shows out of order, very little advertising. This show was by far the best new show of the year. That crapfest John Doe will be around for a fucking decade. “In a very special John Doe… John will help the inept police solve a crime by squinting a lot.” :rolleyes:
Good thing they’re going to end the series by showing the premeire… :mad: :mad: :smack:

My friends and I call it “John D’oh”.

And yes, not airing the freakin’ pilot was a brilliant move. Too cerebral, too slow, too intelligent, hey Joss, we’ll put that story about the train first, that’ll reel 'em in.

If Mal hadn’t kicked that Furio-like guy into the afterburner…that’s what hooked me.

I would love to have seen the WB take a shot at it. That network is home to more intelligently-written show than any other, at the moment. And they tend to hang on to promising shows a little longer than the big networks.


My frustration is somewhat boundless. I wish such news was not given during finals week. The bastards!

May the management of Fox be kicked unceremoniously into the engine intake of death.


See…that’s the problem right there. Americans seem to prefer mindless dreck to intelligent shows. I’m sure FUX had a focus group comprised of middle-aged high school dropouts watching the thing with befuddled faces. The geniuses knew the show must be cancelled at the earliest opportunity.

My only other theiry is that the advertisers push for dumbfuck programming so the commercials become more entertaining than the show. If you’re glued to the TV to watch Firefly you have to wait to the commercials to run to the bathroom and get a drink thus missing the ads.

It makes me sad.

This is a terrible punishment to place on poor innocent moose – let them have fellatio from someone who knows how, at least – and more than most TV network executives deserve! :mad:

Just for the record, Firefly was the first new network TV show in over 20 years that Barb and I made it a point to tune in on.

Perhaps Fox ought to get their heads out of the 20th Century? :wink:

I dunno, seems to me that Firefly is ready-made to go to the SciFi channel. We’ll probably see it again. I hope.

I’m trying to remember a series that Sci Fi produced itself…Stargate? Taken…

Does anyone on firefly talk to dead people? then maybe it will show up on Sci-Fi