The GAP - a new low in political correctness

I’m still skeptical.

← Reaches as high as six feet when fully extended.

I say 5’11" but I may be technically 6’0". And fuck you if you say “oh you’re so lucky I wish I was tall.” No you fucking don’t.

If it makes you feel any better, I may not be very tall, but I have tall person issues when clothes shopping. What am I supposed to do with a 32" inseam? Tell me! Give me 34" goddamnit, or I’ll cut you! If I wore 36" I’d probably just give up on pants. I’m pretty close to doing so now.

It’s got its advantages… but then you try to find clothes that don’t make you look like a teenage boy in a growth spurt. Good fucking luck. And short people, I don’t want to hear any whining about how it’s hard for you, too–it’s fifty billion times easier to make clothes shorter or smaller than it is to make them longer.

34-35" is the standard “long” size at most stores that I have seen. And nowadays most stores carry regular longs in a decent selection of pants from cheap to expensive brands. But “freaky extra long 36” is much harder to find. Gap’s the only place I know of where I can go and try jeans on, but I still have to order freaky long size online. Luckily for dress pants, the longs from New York and Company are sufficient, so all my dress pants are from there. I’ve never owned sweatpants/Adidas track pants etc. cause they are all too short. So in the wintertime I work out in capri-length yoga pants, and all pj bottoms for chilly weather lounging around the house are also capri length. Looks better than flooding like some weirdo.

Levi’s long jeans = key. For me, anyway. Why are we hijacking this thread?

Levi’s longs aren’t half bad–they’re the jeans I wear. They’re still not as long as I’d like, but about nothing is.

We’re hijacking the thread because (a) it’s about some stupid Gap ad nobody cares about and (b) anybody who cares is too frightened that we’ll run them down with our ridiculously long legs.

That’s what SHE said!

Oh, wait…

This made me LOL. Thanks!

It just occurred to me that the American Family Association sounds like the kind of place that wouldn’t approve of women wearing pants. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m short, but I don’t like form-fitting pants, so I shop in the men’s department.

Only on the Dope could we start in talking about political correct war on Xmas and end up with doper chiquitas quacking about being too tall. Gotta love it!

They’re dropping gift hints. Sneaky, eh?

Levi 525 low-rise boot cut. Just sayin’…

The Gap? They don’t even register on my radar of places to shop, but I am no longer in their target age group, I guess.

And risk offending the photosensitive? Make it “time time”.

She’s got the best of both worlds. Didn’t you get the memo?

Really. For those who think the Gap ad is sucky, I give you: “I am Ram. . .and my tank is full.” What the fuck-diddly-uck does that even mean?

If you were a Real American you’d know.

I wish I could do that, but I have ye olde hips, so men’s pants are either too tight in the hip or too loose in the waist.

WTB several million dollars so I can just have all my clothes custom-tailored.

Well now you’re just being chronist. I propose a simple pair of glottal stops, which can then be interpreted or ignored as the listener chooses.

Merry ’ ’ !

It means I have to pee again. Hurry up and pull over.