The George Foreman Grill

I have a new set of roommates including a couple of post-adolescent males. Look, I really don’t care if they subsist on a frozen hamburger patties and chicken nuggets drenched in ketchup served on hot dog buns, but for Christ sakes, why the George Foreman grill?

Quite obviously, I was never expecting to come home to soufflés or puff-pastries, but I do quite often find myself coming home to a messy kitchen that reeks of hamburger fat and a greasy George Foreman grill laying prostrate, tipping backwards on the counter spilling fat in long, oozing puddles all over the god-damned counter. And of course, there’s always the lovely little grease tray that builds up with layer after layer of unconsumed fat like the flowing forms of some hardened slow-moving Hawaiian lava field. Of course, the people responsible for this are the prime demographic for domestic procrastination, so I know that I can be guaranteed an identical experience every time I enter the kitchen for the next six hours. But hey, that’s human nature. I might as well rail against the second law of thermodynamics.

Furthermore, it’s clear to me that my roommates are not the only young men so enthralled with the appliance. All throughout college and onwards, almost every discussion of food included some time spent on the topic of how, “flippin’ sweet,” the grill was (met by broad waves of agreement and nodding heads) and most every visit to someone’s swinging bachelor pad included a similar scene of a George Foreman Grill met with such a sorry fate.

But why in holy hell do they insist upon using the space, time, and energy wasting piece of plastic junk that is, “The Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine?” Even if the damn thing is actually able to grill off more fat than any other means of preparing food, it isn’t like there’s some enormous body of carefully controlled long-term clinical research that clearly demonstrates a benefit to, “grilling the fat right out!” anyway, so let’s skip our discussion of the grill’s supposed main benefit.

No, I suspect the real reason they use this damned thing is because it allows them to escape from the mental trauma of directly confronting the basic human need to cook for themselves from time to time. The finances can only support eating out so many times per week, cold cereal can at best account for perhaps half of their daily caloric intake, so something else needs to fill this gap. Cooking, combining multiple ingredients in a sensible fashion is of course much too difficult and effeminate to be engaged in without some type of duress, so George Foremaning takes its place. George Formanning is something else entirely. An activity invented by Madison Avenue, a fun and breezy activity partaken in by attractive and energetic blonds on the QVC that doesn’t carry all of the emotional baggage of cooking.

I wonder if they’ve even stopped to consider that a heated metal surface really isn’t the enormous technological advance in food preparation that the commercials proclaim. It’s almost as if the technology has existed in various forms for tens of thousands of years of human advancement right up into the modern range-oven sitting three feet away from the sanctified George Foreman Grill. Hell, it’s even a gas range, so they could actually be consuming their grilled fish sticks in even shorter order than with the Foreman grill. What exactly is stopping them from using the well developed and user-friendly technology of the non-stick frying pan? Have they never noticed just how easy a non-stick frying pan is to clean? That you can wash it with soap and rinse it off in the sink in an easy two step process that doesn’t involve wiping down both grilling surfaces, the legs, the light, the top, the counter top, and the grease trap with a half-roll of paper towels?

I don’t understand my contemporary’s infatuation with the George Foreman grill, but I do hope the love affair will fade with time.

But, if you fry frozen burgers in a nonstick frying pan, at some point you have to flip the burgers over. It’s just too much work, dude.

Dude, it’s cheap, quick, and easy to clean if used correctly.
It’ll be around for ages.

I had a foreman grill for a while. While I won’t say it’s a marvel of modern technology, you CAN cook some good stuff on there, and it takes less time, too, because you’re griling on both sides at once (as opposed to the frying pan, which only grills once side at a time).

It’s easy to clean if you’re not a complete slob about setting it up (ie don’t let the grease trap overfill).

I’ve cooked kebabs, stuffed checken breasts, and even beef tenderloin on there. However, it took up too much counter space, so I finally gave it to someone else.

Sounds like your problem is really the roommates. The grill is just an enabler :slight_smile:

Just make sure they don’t burn the place down if they “set it and forget it”.

Don’t be hatin’ on the Foreman grill! I have one and I love it.

And I’m 36. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree. Not all of us use it to avoid cooking, it just cooks hamburgers to perfection (IMO). And it cooks hamburgers well enough for me, who likes mine with no pink but juicy, and for my SO, who likes it fairly pink and only warm in the center, to both get our burgers cooked the way we want - with minimal fuss. Sure we could cook it on the grill, but it’s honestly easier to put it on there. When we want burgers, we want SIMPLE - that’s the point of burgers.

What y’all really need is a FryDaddy! Mmmmmm.

Don’t Pit George! Pit thy room mates. :slight_smile:

You do realize that if they “grew up” and cooked all proper on the stovetop that there would just be a very messy pan full of burnt grease, a grease-covered spatula, and grease splattered on the stove, walls, ceiling and any adjoining surfaces, right?

One does need to clean out that Foreman within a few hours of cooking, though. Preferably mopping up the grease and putting it and the greasy paper towels into an old jar before tossing it in the trash, or your kitchen reeks of putrid fat for a few days. I have tested this limit myself. But only once.

Female and forty, here. You’ll get my George Foreman grill when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

I’m in love with my grill. I keep it clean, empty the grease tray after every use, and it’s a well-behanved member of my limited electrified kitchen family.

It’s a wonderful way to cook for one. I’ve joked that every divorced man should be issued one with his papers, “Thank you Mr Belrix. Here’s your copies of the papers. Here’s your grill. Have a nice day.”

It can take a frozen hamburder pattie or chicken breast from rock-hard to deliciously edible in about 4 minutes. When the food is done, wipe down with a thick wad of liberally soaked paper towels and it’s clean and ready to put away.

Love mine.

Your complaint with your roommates should be getting them to keep it clean. It’s not George’s fault.

My Forman Grill plates are removable and go right into the dishwasher. Never had any trouble with keeping the top and sides clean, and if you don’t let the trap overfill that’s no more trouble than dealing with the same grease in a frying pan.

I like to do chicken breasts on it. It’s not great for everything, but I use it more than a lot of my other appliances. I think most college age guys are going to make a mess out of anything, it’s not really an issue with the grill. I had a (female) roommate who used to make mac and cheese in big pots and then leave them in the sink “to soak” until they were moldy and gross. The guys’ houses I frequented in college always had a disgusting kitchen and I don’t think they had a Forman Grill.

Another vote for you need to be hatin’ on your roomies, not the grill. As ZipJJ says, if they were actually using pots and pans on the stove you realize the mess would just be all that much worse, right?

The George Foreman Grill is easy to use and easy to clean. If you’re sure no one is going to use it for a few hours afterwards, you can even clean it directly in the sink – I do this all the time. Mind you, you really REALLY want to be sure it won’t be used for a day or so afterwards so that you can be really sure it has COMPLETELY dried out.

As for the grease dribbling all over the place, all the GFG’s come with little trays to catch the grease. If your roomies can’t be bothered with using those trays, again, pit the roomie, not the grill.

That’s not to say the GFG is for everyone. I have a cousin who got one for Christmas one year and never used it. He prefers cooking outside on a conventional gas grill.

Well that’s MHO, for what little it’s worth.

No problem. All I have to do is stroll next door.

-Joe, loves his George

Exactly. If your complaint is about the mess, you should encourage the roommates to subsist on a diet of microwavable frozen dinners and Hot Pockets and such. There’s no correlation between “grown-up cooking” and not making a mess.

Tin Foil. They need to put the grill on a sheet of foil. Heck, I line the grease tray with foil to make it easier to clean. We lived on the grill while remodeling the kitchen. No sink makes one crafty.

Buy them an extension cord and tell them to take it outside. They can pretend they are tailgating.

No cleanup, either, if there is a dog wandering loose.

Another vote for pitting on the roomies rather than the grill.

Allow me to offer up an alternative though.

The Presto Pizzazz. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and there’s nothing to clean up. You can cook just about anything you’d put on a cookie sheet in the oven and it doesn’t heat up the entire kitchen.

Personally, I’ve done frozen pizzas, Poppa Murphys (fresh) pizzas, fish sticks, wings, and french bread pizzas from Sams.

I love it. The kids love it.

I’ve always wondered, why do people call it tin foil when, as far as I know, it’s never been made of tin?