Did anyone see the statue of the giant Jesus at a church in (Ohio, maybe?)? It stood six stories tall and was just the upper torso, arms and head. Kinda scary. In a King Kong Meets Mothra kind of way. I saw this briefly on MSNBC this morning and haven’t been able to find anything else on it all day. Anyone? Anyone?

Was Charlton Heston kneeling in front of it, screaming, “Damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!

Remember: King Kong died for your sins.

No, but that would have been beautiful. Especially if Charlie was gigantic! It was so big as to freak me out!

I wish I could find a picture. It’s quite remarkable!

What was he made out of? Was he inflateable? Where was the rest of him?

I’m not even a Christian and I want one for* my* yard!

Giant Jesus is my neighbor.

It’s in Ohio, on Rt. 75, between Cincinnati and Dayton- I pass it whenever I visit my sister. It belongs to the Solid Rock Church. Words cannot express how enormous and tacky Giant Jesus is. Also, people have a tendency to slow down and/or turn their heads to look at it, causing congestion and accidents.

Here is a picture of Giant Jesus, but please be aware that, in real life, he’s much larger and less attractive.

That’s creepy. He looks like He’s just burst out of the ground.

Sweet giant zombie Jesus.

This is an incoming message from the Big Talking Jesus…

Oh. My. God.

Umm, I mean…

Oh. Someone’s. God.

Man, I thought the Wiccans had tacky taste in statuary. These beats the big-breasted nymphs and phallic goatman statues hands-down. Or up, as it were.


Aren’t xtians supposed to, like, not worship statues and such?

What’s the matter with his elbows? He looks like he has some horrible degenerative joint disease.

Here is an article with some more pictures (including one where it looks like he’s about to get creamed by a semi!). Giant Jesus is at the same exit as a couple of flea market-type places. His arms are in such a position that they are just asking to hold a sign reading “Jesus says: exit now for flea market bargains!”

In addition to Jesus and the flea market things there is also a strip club, and there is a proposal to build a casino. Interesting highway exit.

Aw, come on, you try hanging by your wrists for a couple of hours, and see if you don’t end up with some wonky looking elbows afterwards. Sheesh, the Son of God can’t be expected to think of, and fix everything, now can He? If He could do that, He wouldn’t be Junior!

I wanna see the giant statue for that.

Wonder who would win in a fight between giant Jesus and Lard Lad?

I was told by a resident of the area that the pastor who runs that church recently did time for drugging some of his horses and then trying to smuggle cocaine in their GI tracts. Gotta finance the Lord’s work any way you can, y’know? What a guy!

That eyesore cost a quarter of a million dollars, thank God the church wasn’t forced to waste that money ministering to the poor and needy of Monroe. What would Jesus do? Undoubtedly build a huge idol of himself. :rolleyes:

Heh, I can just see him praying before he got sent up the river, “Lord, if you let me serve my time in prison without getting ass-raped, I’ll build a giant styrofoam Jesus in your honor!” :wally

Oh yeah, anybody else notice that dude’s wife missed her calling as a 60s album cover model?

This is the Giant Jesus that really creeps me out–it’s 2330 feet tall and ready to take a swan dive into the Rio harbor!

Gives me the heebie-jeebies.