The Global Warming Fraud

Dr. Ivar Giaever, winner of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics, resigned in disgust from the American Physical Society on September 13, 2011 over its policy of characterizing anthropogenic global warming as “incontrovertible.” Discussions of an infinite number of universes are ongoing, with rooms full of straight faces, but the pros and cons of AGW simply cannot be tolerated, Giaever correctly observed.

On October 6, 2010, UC Santa Barbara Physics Professor Emeritus, Harold Lewis, resigned from the American Physical Society in protest of the Global Warming Fraud. His letter reads in part:"For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society."It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.“So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it.” —End of quote by Professor Lewis—

And this is in elections because?

Not a good start, Renaissance Man. Very bad form.


I’m waiting for the 9/11 thread.

Not even suitable for the Pit, really, where it would be completely redundant.

Let me explain. You need it.

The Global Warming Fraud is political, not scientific. It is being foisted on a gullible public by greedy researchers who are only too eager to keep their hundreds of millions of dollars flowing. They insist on continuing to “prove” what they have already demanded is “well established.”

You stop taking vacations.
You stop driving to entertainment venues, restaurants, homes of friends and relatives.
You return to life as it was before the automobile. These hypocrites advancing the global warming fraud are doing nothing of the kind. Take Barack Obama, please. He flew Air Force One to Florida to play a round of golf with Tiger. He took Air Force One to California to appear on a late night talk show. His wife took Air Force Two at about the same time, to appear on a different show. You don’t mind this, even as Obama preaches his global warming admonitions to all the unwashed, do you. He even flew Air Force One to Ohio to plant… a single tree one Earth Day. Of course many thousands of fawning sheeple drove to see their hero, thus making a farce of that which all pretended to be practicing - viz, conservation.

Politics, not science. It is an important discussion. Rather than even consider what I had to say, you opened with your condescending, unfriendly reprimand. Not good form.

Is there some reason that you believe physicists possess the capability to offer a professional opinion on matters of climate science?

I for one am glad someone has finally arrived to unmask this ‘global warming’ farce, since no one has ever tried that before in the history of this board.

Well, It figures that a Renaissance man would be dealing with old news made new.

Dr. Ivar Giaever is already old news:
AFAICR guys like him protested for the AGU going so in favor of climate science and made a complaint of the official position paper of the physics group.

The group did answer to the complaint alright, with an even stronger position paper in favor of AWG.

More appropriate for Great Debates, really. Off it goes!

It is.

I have to thank you for not using the usual denier silly point of this being settled science, indeed scientists are not talking about that, they do talk about his issue being well established like evolution.

Obama did travel to talk about race relations, not climate change. It was an attempt at defusing unrest in a very public venue after the Fergusson incidents.

Well, I’m not the one you are replying to, but the condescension comes because you indeed started with old news, disposed in old threads already.

Let’s see . . . Ah! Found it!

An excellent take down of the points Giaever pushed back then was done already at Skeptical Science, years ago too.

And to think we’ve all been duped for so long!!

Once again my razor-sharp detection abilities pick up on a poster’s join date before even looking at it. :eek:

I am reasonably sure that any climate scientist* who could provide solid evidence that global warming is a fraud/hoax would not only get ample research funding, but be able to retire just on fees from speaking engagements, never mind book sales and awards from various and sundry admirers.

You do know the derivation of “emeritus” which is from the Latin meaning “farmed out due to being over the hill and potentially loony”?

*this may not apply to professors of physics, geology, insect biology, English literature, art history and other subjects who so often turn up as experts on climate.

Yes, but can you predict the thread’s future fate?

This leads me to a proposal for a potential revenue source for SDMB. When a thread like this appears, we can place monetary bets in the categories of:

[li]Will end up in the Pit[/li][li]Will be locked[/li][li]Will fade away because the OP disappears[/li][/ul]
Maybe side bets could be placed on how long it takes.

Obviously, mods and their relatives are disqualified from betting. Must be 21 or over to participate.

I think there’s a business here!

Forced or voluntary? :smiley:

Renaissance Man, have you read the “Climategate” emails, as Dr. Lewis suggested? Can you show where they lay bare the fraud of climate science?

Most references to these emails, like Dr. Lewis’s, just claim the fraud is there without showing any evidence. The few places with actual quotes from the emails almost always use the same two quotes, which do sound vaguely sinister, but when read in context of the full email, really aren’t. A decade’s worth of hacked emails mined for two quotes that don’t even show fraud is pretty strong evidence of the lack of a conspiracy.


No,no,no, the lack of evidence is the proof of a conspiracy. :stuck_out_tongue: