The glory of the Donald

Well, he is so fucking crazy he can’t follow the rules.

No arguments there. Were I the Donald, I’d consider making how we are going to pay for all this crap a very high priority in my new scheme. Because that’s why voters rebelled. As long as there are enough people fed up with footing the bill for DC bullshit (aka TAXES), there will be no electoral peace.

By “all of this crap” are you referring to schools, roads, bridges, health care, social security, the Navy, the Air Force, the Army and so forth? Because that’s what this “bullshit” you refer to pays for.

As Trump is quite willing to point out, life is unfair.

I should ask, why, since we pay for your stuff, you feel you shouldn’t pay for our stuff?

Lucky for you, then, because under Trump’s economic plan, y’all are gonna fucking starve.

You’d be foolish to believe there is not alot of crap within those categories you list. I’m thinking sequestration++.

Just a suggestion.

I’ve seen analyses of the federal budget. Some huge percentage of it is stuff like defense spending (which Republicans seem to like and hate to cut) and things like Social Security (Do you want to be the one to suggest a cut to that?). If you think there a lot of crap there, please identify it.

Note that I’m not saying there isn’t wasteful or unneeded government spending. Just that the amount of it is a small part of the whole, and some of it is popular.

Now, now. Don’t try and interject facts into a Trumpian reality. You’ll only hurt yourself.

We’d need a good lyricist to turn this into the opening line for the musical…

Indeed. Guys, don’t knee-jerk, unlike the gloattroll OP, **UberArchetype **does have a point here, there is a lot of federal “crap” that Trump supporters DO expect to keep going their way, plus the promised rebuilding of infrastructure and tax cuts, and it behooves the new government to figure out how to cover it all or what to do about it and that is a possible stumbling point. The GOP needs to reassess their standard line that just cutting taxes without actually reforming the system is enough.

Trump claimed to have a way to defeat ISIS and said he knew more than the generals did about this. So I wonder if the Joint Chiefs of Staff are looking forward to meeting with him, so he can tell them all he knows. Should be a short meeting.

You forget, he will talk with his generals(the ones he said were reduced to rubble) for their plan.

Let’s make a list of all the lies told by Donny and Hillary throughout the campaign and see which one is longer. :rolleyes:

I’m not crying. Glad to see you’re not promising your beloved working class anything better than salt water. Here’s one of Trump’s ideas:

So, he’ll cut his taxes & expect the workers to get by on less. Not that we know whether he’s paying any tax at all.

Whatever lies Hillary told are irrelevant now. She’s probably never going to serve public office again. But he, on the other hand, has to lead the nation and fulfill his promises.

Donald Trump
True 14 (4%)
Mostly True 37 (11%)
Half True 49 (15%)
Mostly False 63 (19%)
False 111 (34%)
Pants on Fire 57 (17%)
Hillary Clinton
True 72 (25%)
Mostly True 76 (26%)
Half True 69 (24%)
Mostly False 40 (14%)
False 29 (10%)
Pants on Fire 7 (2%)

…and “attempt” to fulfill his promises? As if any president ever elected filled that tall order 100%?

Even close to 100%? I’ll be happy if the Washington elite (I include both sides of the aisle in that group) get just a few important things headed back in the right direction. The Budget being a biggie. There’s a few others that just might make a difference as well.

I’m always dismayed when I see people where the unhappiness of others makes them so happy.

You mean the working class most likely to suffer from the economic downturn the policies Trump has proposed would cause? And the working class who would then have to fall back on the social safety net Paul Ryan wants to gut?

You’d better hope our tears feed them, because there’s gonna be quite a few hungry winters ahead.

More to the point, how the hell does he think Trump might be able to do that *at all *?

Which ones ? He’s had every position on every subject, and promised them all :slight_smile:

That’s the funny thing. He’s made all sorts of outrageous statements and ridiculous promises because he never expected to get this far. Now that he has, though, I look forward to seeing how he wriggles out of them. For example, he promised to deport some number of illegal aliens during his “first hour in office.” And he promised to build that giant wall across the southern border.