The "Good Night" thread

Goodnight. I’m going to bed now. :slight_smile: (2am)

I’m awake and perky and way too cheerful! It’s 8 AM! I’m drinking coffee!

Goodnight,Opal, I should be going to sleep, but I’m not tired.

Mornin’, tater.

I’ve been looking for you! Your e-mail addy keeps bouncing back to me…have you another I can use?

Sorry for the hijack, but this is important.

I got kicked off of my cable internet service for nonpayment (should be back tomorrow).

For now you can use

Check your mail!

Good night! It’s 2:00 AM here, and it looks like I’ll be up for another three hours at least. Gotta love finals week.

10pm here, and I’m good for another 5 hours. :slight_smile:

Goodnight and good morning, everyone!

[rant] 2:20 A.M. here, I think tonight’s gonna be an all-nighter. Not homework, but I’ve been up late enough that if I go to bed now, then I’ll never be up in time to shower and do all my other get-ready-for-school things. Who wants to hear my story? Kerrigan hears the crickets chirping in the corners Oh well, anyway…my bedroom is this bottomless pit, black hole, whatever you wanna call it. It’s been a few years since I’ve really cleaned it. Within the last month or so, I lost my glasses. I’m not so nearsighted that I’m blind, but just enough that after a month of not having glasses, well, you know…I feel nearsighted! So, having nothing to do tonight, I started cleaning my room, in search of the missing lenses. Progress so far? I’ve found three pairs of old, cheap sunglasses. :rolleyes: Anyway, if I don’t get caught up reading the SDMB tonight (as I know I will anyway)…then I might FINISH cleaning my room. And if I get really lucky, I might find the stupid glasses! GRR… [/rant]