The Great SDMB Summer 2016 Postcard Exchange!

Dropped my cards in the mail this morning. Go, mail!

Postcards away! They hit the post office yesterday.

Just dropped mine in at the campus post office! Happy travels, little cards!

(also, I’m happy to send more if needed)

As did mine.

Sent my posties this morning! :smiley: Just let me know if you need me to send more.

My postcards went off today! :slight_smile:

Got my first card! From Karen Lingel at the other end of the state. A card of the Cracker Art Museum in Sacramento.


But points off for spelling: It’s “Crocker” Museum.


Well, what do you know? It is “Crocker.” I was wondering there for a bit. :smiley:

I was beginning to wonder exactly what kind of museums y’all have over there on the Left Coast ;).

Crocker makes a lot more sense, seeing as he was one of the Big 5 in California history. My first thoughts in reading the back of the postcard went: ““Cracker Art Museum.” Hmmm…I thought Karen was in Sacramento. Maybe she got it in Georgia. And what kind of Art is in there? Elvis on black velvet? A portrait of Dale Ernhardt done in Coke bottle caps?”

An Elvis created completely out of Ritz, saltines, and Graham. Dale Ernhardt done entirely in Cheez-Its…

Earnhardt would have to be done in Cheerwine caps and Gold-N-Chees - accept no substitutes! :slight_smile:

All my cards are sent, though they won’t be fetched from the postbox til Monday cause the German mail doesn’t do weekends, and then give them some time to cross the pond.

I got three postcards today, that all traversed the continent.

Karen Lingel sent a card from the Crocker Art museum.

Silenus sent both a lovely Route 66 card and a Catwalk card, that did, indeed, baffle me.


There’s still one missing then. It was a three-fer.

Then I’ll just get to post another time when it gets here. :slight_smile:

I got my first postcard today, from Elendil’s Heir, with a bald eagle in full flight. I also bought some postcards, so mine will go out on Tuesday. Will post again then!

“Cracker” Art Museum makes me laugh.

I got three (count 'em, three) postcards from silenus. It was a little puzzle to put them in order so I could read the secret message: 1) Sand dollar 2) Route 66 3) Some kind of geek fangirl magazine cover. Thanks, silenus!

Got my first postcard today! Well, yesterday to be specific, but I didn’t actually gather my mail in until this morning because yesterday was yardwork day. Anyway - first postcard in - from Romansperson! A lovely golden eagle named King Arthur who lives at the raptor center. YAY! :slight_smile: