The Great SDMB Summer 2016 Postcard Exchange!

Just got home from travels. All cards are in the box, but won’t be picked up by USPS until Tuesday due to the holiday.

In my stack of bills and election materials, I almost tossed out the obvious political bit with the bald eagle on it - until closer inspection revealed that it was from the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo courtesy of our own Elendil’s Heir!

Glad two of my cards have arrived.

Hmm. And something on black velvet, I would think.

Sent all my cards out today - and already received one from dbygawdcapr - a beautiful and interesting card from the Smithsonian. Lovely moon stamp as well. Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

My postcards are out in the mail today.

Just got back from work and found two lovely cards in the mail. One from Grrlbrarian with the beautiful Bradley University in Peoria, IL, which looks surprisingly European to my European eyes, and one from romansperson picturing the good things about North Carolina. Don’t worry romansperson, I won’t judge the people by the idiocy of their state legislature. Many thanks to both of you :).

Hurrah! Got my first postcard depicting a gorgeous barn owl fostered at the Raptor Center. Thanks, romansperson! I’m assuming it was sent via Owl Post as well. :smiley:

Hehe, EinsteinsHund: you’re quite right. Our Bradley Hall built in1897 was modeled on buildings at the University of Chicago, which were in turn modeled on buildings at Oxford University. You’re most welcome!

Wow, that was fast!

I should have put one of my Harry Potter stamps on it, but as a Grrlbrarian I thought you might enjoy the Twain stamp. :slight_smile:

I have sent some postcards! All of them going to the USA this time, we’ll see how long it takes them to cross the pond.

My three cards were in the mail this morning

I got a lovely card from Grrlbrarian today featuring the Pettengill-Morron House Museum, with which she has a family association. It’s a winter scene, which was refreshing on our hot and humid day today! We live near Ayr Mount, another cool old house - I love touring them in other towns when I get the chance.

Fluffy PickleSniffer sent me a bevy of cards giving me an excellent idea of what her area of the world is like - nature cards, a barn, the Wisconsin food pyramid (which I can totally relate to, as my mother was born and raised in Wisconsin, and I still have relatives there in Madison and Eau Claire. My relatives on that side moved there to start a cheese factory). These were enclosed in a card picturing a lift bridge in Duluth, MN, which looks just like Cuyahoga River Bridge #1 in my hometown!

Got two from Lsura today! Georgia is peachy, and her grandmother had some neat postcards stashed away. I wonder what the parrot is trying to kill with that cannon?

I received my first postcard! This has been a frustrating day, so getting a lovely card showing Australian Aboriginal art was a welcome experience. I would love to go to Australia one day, but I think this postcard is as close as I will ever get, so many thanks, dbygawdcapn!!

I am buying my postcards at a place I am visiting on Friday, so they should go out Saturday.

I got two postcards from Lsura
One from Georgia’s Stone Mountain (“a mountain of fun”) and an antique one from the Parrot Bowl at Miami’s Parrot Jungle.

I wonder if that is “bowl” like an amphitheater, or if they get those parrots to play championship football?

Thanks, Lsura!

Just got a nice exterior view of the Crocker Art Museum from Karen Lingel, who wasn’t even in my exchange group!

davida03801, minionkat and Cheez_Whia were late signups; silenus was the first to offer to send additional postcards if needed (many thanks!), so I’ve matched them up in a group and sent them their PMs.

Mine will get picked up by the postman tomorrow morning. Not up to my past efforts, but at least they’re sent. I’m hoping to send out more and better, but not making any promises!

Hurrah! I came home yesterday to a lovely packet of postcards from Fluffy Picklesniffer. Many gorgeous sights and yep, I got a Wisconsin food pyramid too. Planning on taking full advantage of that when I head for the Big Wis in ten days. :smiley: Thanks a million - I enjoyed them all!

Got the last batch of cards today, and it was a batch of seven (!) cards all from Fluffy PickleSniffer alone, very beautiful and diverse. The one with the deer in winter could have been taken a few meters outside of my own home, it looks just like our forests here in the Sauerland, and I too sometimes have deer in my garden :).

If you follow CS closely, you’ll know that I’m one of the biggest Dylan fans on this board, so I was delighted to see a card of Duluth, Bob’s birth town, in the batch. Thank you very much, Fluffy :).

I got 5 postcards today! 3 from silenus, showing some lovely scenery around the southern california desert, historic Route 66 and a pome about sand dollars. And 2 from Lsura - a very sparkly one featuring Georgia, and a parrot on a telephone!