The Great Summer 2018 Doper Postcard Exchange!

Glad you liked the cards! The town is actually The Dalles, but I suppose some might consider the town kinda dull. I’m guessing my lousy handwriting might have led to the typo.

I finally bought my cards today - it took receiving one from **romansperson **to jog my memory, but they’re all written, addressed, and ready for the post office tomorrow.

Speaking of which, romansperson- I love Ansel Adams!! I can see why it was your favorite exhibit! Thanks for sharing!

Got cards from all three of my exchange buddies today. romansperson sent one of a fully restored DC-7 at the Carolinas Aviation Museum. I remember these being in service, too! Algher and Karen Lingel both sent artwork - the former a color woodblock print of Yosemite by Chiura Obata, the latter Paul Klee’s Blüten in der Nãcht from San Francisco’s MOMA.

Thanks, people!

Yay, glad 2 of my cards got to their destinations (I was going to send more Ansel Adams cards but with 3 of my recipients being in California, I figured Yosemite and environs would be old hat to them, so only the 2 East Coast folks got those).

I got a photo of desert lilies from Algher - much more delicate looking than our tiger lilies, which are currently blooming. And Karen Lingel sent a card from SFMOMA; the painting certainly describes the mood of a good part of the country at this point

I also got a card from **Karen Lingel **today, a bit of modern art, “Three Wind Toys” by Wayne Thiebaud - very nice! Thanks:

Cards are in the mail. Please be patient, it’ll take some time to cross the pond.

I put mine out this morning.

Received my first card today from Karen Lingel–a card from SFMOMA, Franz Marc’s Steiniger Weg (Stony Path)*

Thanks, Karen! (and yes, I have been to the museum since the remodel)

*formerly Gebirge/Landschaft

My cards went in the mail today!

Sent today! I ran out of stamps so I hope to send one more to my US recipients within a week or so. :slight_smile:

Mine were turned over to the USPS at 4 this afternoon. Considering how close 2 of the recipients are, they may get them Monday. The one crossing the pond may take a little longer.

romansperson, I got your beautiful Ansel Adams card today. I would have loved to have seen the full exhibit. My wife and I keep planning our future museum trips and your card inspires me to push harder to actually make those visits happen. Thank you!

Yay, I got my first card today from Karen Lingel, from the SFMOMA with a depiction of Diego Rivera’s "The Flower Carrier". Very nice, thank you very much :).

Got my cards in the mail, and I mean that both ways… I just posted my three, and I have already received two.

Thank you, Karen Lingel, for the lovely “Coffee” by Richard Diebenkorn, from the SFMOMA. I am definitely a coffee kind of girl!

I’ve been to Destin, FL, blondebear, your packet of St. Augustine cards puts me in the mood to visit that beautiful city!

Thank You!

I received an awesome packet from blondebear’s collection today. A cool iridescent Disney postcard, and a whole pack of Carlsbad Cavern cards, which appear to be vintage! Thank you, they’re much appreciated! Sorry to say, my own sent cards will not live up to this!

I bought the cards today and will mail them out tomorrow.

I got one! I got one! And also ten (!) beautiful long Oregon postcards, featuring several places I’ve actually been to, including Portland, Crater Lake (always loved it) and Multnomah Falls. Thanks, blondebear!

Also today, got an antique picture postcard of Mount Rainier from needscoffee. Never been there, though - thanks!

My cards all went in the post yesterday, but they are all crossing the pond so may take a few days!

If you ever get a chance to see an Ansel Adams exhibit, definitely do it. The prints are large, and we were able to get close to them to see every incredible detail in those photos.

I got your postcard today (was out of town or would have picked it up yesterday).

Those folks have been waiting an awful long time to fit kids for shoes

Stop gap cards sent to US recipients Saturday. Better cards go out tomorrow. I have to go to the post office to get my overseas bundle mailed off.