The Great Vampire Round-up

I’m trying to make a list of every vampire from pop culture. Help me come up with examples. So far, the list includes:

Count Dracula
Graf Orlock (Nosferatu)
Carmilla (a.ka. Millarca)
Barnabas Collins (Dark Shadows)
Angelique (temporarily, she recovered - Dark Shadows)
Tom Jennings (Dark Shadows)
Dirk Wilkins (Dark Shadows)
Megan Todd (Dark Shadows)
Prince Mamuwalde (Blackula)
Louis du Lac (Interview w/…)
Lestat (Interview w/…)
Claudia (Interview w/…)
Lestat (Interview w/…)
the Master (Buffy)
Darla (Buffy)
Angel / Angelus (Buffy)
Anointed One (Buffy)
Spike (Buffy)
Drusilla (Buffy)
Harmony (Buffy)
Alucard (RPG character)

But I know there must be more. Who else?

In The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Mina Harker (from Dracula) is now a vampire herself.

Don’t forget Count Duckula.
And does Sesame Street’s The Count count?

edit: Why that’s his role on the show, of course! (sorry, had to do it)

Does it have to be a main character?
Vic the Vampire (Myth-ing Persons)

I guess I only bring it up because I was looking for a vampire book after seeing Lost Boys and somehow I got caught up in this sword-and-sorcery fantasy novel.

Oh Lost Boys!
David, Star, Max, Laddie and the others…

List of fictional vampires

Lord Ruthven (from Polidori’s Original, that arguably started it)

Varney the Vampire

The Bridge of Corinth
The Vampire from Vikram and the Vampire
Morbius the Living Vampire

Count Alucard, The Son of Dracula

**Countess Marya Zaleska, Dracula’s Daughter

Kurt Barlow** from Salem’s Lot

Matthias from I Am Legend and its different versions

As opposed to real vampires, hmmm? :dubious:


Do you want only well-known vampires? I read a lot of vampire fiction, so I could list several, but they probably won’t be known to people who haven’t read those books.

**Bosda **just did thread a like this a couple of weeks ago.

Timmy Valentine from Vampire Junction

Henry Fitzroy from Blood Ties (the books and the TV series)

As well as Alexander Lucard from Dracula: The Series and Mick St. John from Moonlight.

Sethra Lavode, Enchantress of Dzur Mountain (Brust’s Vlad Taltos books)

That’s only in the movie version. In the graphic novels, she was bitten but was not turned into a vampire herself.

Andrew Bennett, from DC’s I…Vampire series.

I apparently have Monday-induced dyslexia or something, because I was about to give CSI another chance. Let’s see that redheaded Mr. Smuglook deal with a vampire!

There’s the vampire Saint Germain from the novels by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.


That list seems terribly, terribly incomplete.

From television, I can think of:
Nick Knight and Lacroix from Forever Knight (and probably a host of others).
Half the cast of Kindred: The Embraced.
The cast of Moonlight.

And who could forget the awesomest movie ever made: Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter, which contains the single greatest line in cinematic history: “Where have all the lesbian vampires gone?”

A few more not on Otto’s list:

Strahd von Zarovich (RPG character)

Count Bloodcount (cartoon character)

The Salt Vampire (TV character)

“Grandpa” aka Sam Dracula (TV character)

Drak Jr. (cartoon character)

Count Chocula (historical personage)

Bunnicula (literary character)

Dr. Acula from Scrubs.

Forrest J. Ackerman was “Dr. Acula” in the late 1950s/early 1960s, long before Scrubs. But I don’t think he was ever a vampire.