Does it have to be a main character?
Vic the Vampire (Myth-ing Persons)
I guess I only bring it up because I was looking for a vampire book after seeing Lost Boys and somehow I got caught up in this sword-and-sorcery fantasy novel.
Oh Lost Boys!
David, Star, Max, Laddie and the others…
Do you want only well-known vampires? I read a lot of vampire fiction, so I could list several, but they probably won’t be known to people who haven’t read those books.
**Bosda **just did thread a like this a couple of weeks ago.
I apparently have Monday-induced dyslexia or something, because I was about to give CSI another chance. Let’s see that redheaded Mr. Smuglook deal with a vampire!
And who could forget the awesomest movie ever made: Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter, which contains the single greatest line in cinematic history: “Where have all the lesbian vampires gone?”