Depending on the responses, I can see this getting moved to GD, but I really just have a question.
In this week’s Newsweek, the editorial on the last page discusses the Green Party. The author states that one of their positions is to push for a 100% tax on all income which exceeds 10 times the minimum wage. This sounds a little harsh. Is this really part of their platform? What else is on their agenda?
Here is the website for Green Party USA. Click on the link labelled “Updated Platform.”
Part of their platform does, indeed, include the following: Maximum Income: Build into the progressive income tax a 100% tax on all income over ten times the minimum wage.
One should also note the following items (relevant to your OP) from the party platform:
[ul][li]Living Wages: A family-supporting minimum wage. Start at $12.50 per hour in 2000 and index to the cost of living.[/li][li]Simple, Progressive Income Taxes: Enact a no-loopholes, graduated personal income tax with equal taxation of all income, regardless of source. Provide an income tax credit for each dependent to replace and fully compensate for the current exemptions and deductions that benefit to the average taxpayer, such as the home mortgage deduction and medical deductions.[/li][li]Eliminate Regressive Payroll Taxes: Fund Social Security, Health Care, Unemployment Insurance, and Workers Compensation out of progressive income and wealth taxes.[/li]Guaranteed Adequate Income: Build taxable Basic Income Grants into the progressive income tax structure to create a Universal Social Security system that ensures everyone has income for at least a modest standard of living above the poverty line.[/ul]
P.S. the website states that the party platform is not binding for Green Party Candidates. Here, you can find the position on taxes taken by the Ralph Nader/Winona LaDuke ticket: “TAX JUSTICE / FAIRNESS”. You will note that the 100% tax on all income over ten times the minimum wage is not part of their paltform.
Also note that there are two factions claiming to be “the” Green Party. In addition to the aforementioned Green Party USA, there’s also the Association of State Green Parties, which has a separate platform from the GPUSA. I believe both factions claim Ralph Nader as their nominee.