The Guild

Am I just so late to the party that any mention of this series of shorts based around a gaming guild has drifted deep into the layer of pages? I even checked the Gaming forum, just in case, but nothing.

I just had to say…somewhere, and if not in an older thread, then it’s worth creating a new one!..that I am just laughing my arse off.

I am, per usual, watching it kinda backwards, as my sweetie was running season 4 in the background, and I just watched season 3 last night, and I am loving it. :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t know if I’ll miss the appearances of Will WHeaton* in the first two seasons, but I am now going to go watch from the beginning.

Any opinions on this little show? I am mightily amused!

*Damn you, Seth McFarlane!

yes, it is the funniest TV show going, period. Better than everything else by a country mile, but it was judge “too niche” by the broadcast TV people it was pitched to. I bet they would have turned down “The Big Bang Theory” as well if they had had it pitched to them.

Don’t miss their videos:
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar

Game On

I hadn’t seen the Game On one; thank you!

And /thwap for giving me my newest earworm >.<

I’ve just seen the first episode so far. It was funny, but the characters were way over the top and I thought that might get old. It sounds like I should keep going. That’s cool. I’m in love with Felicia Day anyway.

BTW, I’m watching it on Netflix streaming and the sound is terrible, I guess because it was a webcast, right? Does that improve?

Well…I believe episodes are on Youtube, and they have a site as well…might be better quality? the sound is definitely better there.
Though I tried watching it on their site and it was annoying due to extreme lag.
I will buy their stuff, but I had to find other ways to view it before I could get into it.

They got better sponsorship and better equipment beginning season 2. Next Tuesday is the end of season 4.

Where do people watch it normally? I had no idea it was on television; I just thought it was a web thing. I have cable…maybe I should check out their site and see when it airs.

I mentioned it in a thread back in January, both The Guild and the video Do You Wanna Date my Avatar:

Not much interest, though. I had to bump it twice, and then all of the comments were about the computer-generated cartoon posted a link to, not to the Guild.

I’ve been watching for a couple of years now on youtube. I can’t watch a lot all at once, or it does get kind of old, but in short doses, it’s a great, hilarious show.

I watched Legend of Neil, well the first three episodes, and it’s wayyyyy inferior to The Guild, a lot closer to what most people would think a gamer web series would be: crappy to the max, with much of the humor involving pissing, puking and masturbating. But it was interesting to see Felicia Day playing a sexually obsessed fairy. Overall though I’m beginning to see why mainstreamers don’t get how good The Guild is, if this sort of thing is the matrix from which it arises.

I don’t think it is on TV, but Netflix streams seasons 1 and 2 (and maybe 3), plus it is available through XBox. It is a web thing. Catching up isn’t too hard. Each season is less than 90 minutes.

The Guild is awesome. We watch the first three seasons on my sister-in-law’s XBox. Reminds me; I need to catch up.

I don’t think it’s aired on TV; the episode lengths are pretty variable.

I found where to watch it.

MSN! They sponsor it now, it seems.

Me and a couple of friends watched all of the first three series in one drunken night. We didn’t mean to watch them all, we just started watching it and it was so good that we didn’t stop until there were no more to watch.

It’s awesome.

I love, love, love it. I forget to watch for a few weeks, then have little mini-marathons!

I would like to catch up with it, but I am too busy buying stuff for Tinkerbelle…

MSN has been hosting the videos since at least season 2.

The official site is

I had gone to the site originally but for some reason couldn’t actually find the shows to WATCH there. Hence the MSN.

I love it. I haven’t watched the last season as I like letting them build up and then watch the whole season in a sitting.

Felicia Day is very close to my dream woman in basically ever way I can think of.